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Bennell, P., 1991, Vocational Training in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons for Post-Apartheid South Africa, Research Report, Education Policy Unit, University of the Witwatersrand.

Bennell, P., 1984, 'Occupational transfer: a case study of craft training policies in Kenya, 1945-1980'. Comparative Education Review 28(1).

Blaug, M., 1981, A UNIDO Strategy for the training of industrial manpower in the Third World, Vienna: UNIDO.

Buffie, E.F.,' The long run consequences of short run stabilization policy' in S. Horton, R. Kanbur and D. Mazumdar (eds), 1994. Labor Markets in an Era of Adjustment. Economic Development Institute Development Studies, Washington, D.C.

Dougherty, C., 1989 'The Cost-Effectiveness of National Training Systems in Developing Countries', WPS 171 World Bank, Population and Human Resources Department. Washington DC.

IBRD, 1995. Priorities and Strategies for Education. A World Bank Sector Review. World Bank, Washington, D.C.

King, K., 1976, The African Artisan, London: Heinemann.

Middleton, J., A. Ziderman and A. van Adams, 1993, Skills for Productivity: Vocational Education and Training in Developing Countries. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pack, H., 1992, 'Productivity and Industrial Development Sub-Saharan Africa'. World Bank. Industry and Energy Department Working Paper No 59, Washington D.C.

Samoff, J., 1994, Coping with Crises: Austerity, Adjustment and Human Resources. Cassen: London.