Ugandan organisations visited and their involvement in sharing agricultural information
U1 |
Action Aid (Uganda) Head Office, Kampala |
Box 676 Kampala |
International NGO. Identifies poorest areas and supports community development including literacy, agriculture, women. 5 areas identified in Uganda. 5 yr planning phases all aimed at eventual phase out. |
Numerous reports. Overview booklet - Reflections. Quarterly newsletter. Well organised, equipped and funded Newsletter in local language for literacy classes in Luganda |
Okwesomera - literacy primer for Mityana project. Reflections |
U2 |
Adult Education Centre |
Box 2056 Jinja |
Began in 1987 with establishment of library and resource centre to enhance literacy skills. |
Small office. Teaching notes and posters copied from Footsteps and other newsletters. No funds to produce their own materials. Instead distribute others very effectively |
Photos of posters and library |
U3 |
Africa 2000, Kampala |
Kampala |
Began in 1989 primarily to help community groups prevent environmental degradation. Substantial funding from Canadian and Danish governments. Support indigenous NGOs with funding. Provides training. Expert staff, vehicles and well equipped office. |
Quarterly newsletter - Environews in English and Luganda. Distribute about 2000 copies per issue. |
Environews |
U4 |
Agricultural Research Information Centre (ARIS) |
Box 11098 Kampala |
Previously known as NADIC. Based at Kawanda. Impressive and extensive library and resource centre. Staff very helpful. Regional Extension Agents met were unaware of its services. |
Email and Internet links with various specialist libraries. Produce leaflets advertising ARIS and request forms. Now taking over production of materials from Entebbe. Enthusiastic staff-no materials as yet |
Photocopies of materials and information leaflet. Copies of NARO booklets |
U5 |
AT U-Press, Lira |
Box 406, Lira |
Local NGO (Mother organisation is AT in US) with branches in 8 countries. Seed producing grains and their processing. Work closely and efficiently with extension services, local radio and press. For example: ran a soap opera for 7 weeks on local radio. |
Series of simple and well illustrated information leaflets (folded A4 sheet) for farmers and seed merchants. Cheap enough to distribute widely at demonstrations and with sunflower seeds etc. In local languages. 300 so far distributed in English, 4,000 in Luo (2,000 go into seed packets) |
Small leaflet on instructions for growing sunflower seeds in Luo. Annual report |
U6 |
BAP Project, Bundibugyo |
c/o Box 676 Kampala |
Action Aid project. Literacy, small scale credit, capacity building and improving social services are priority objectives. Piloted REFLECT literacy technique with success. Over 130 literacy groups, savings groups and micro projects. |
Bi-yearly newsletter produced in office though plan to produce using silk screens in villages. Lubwise/English dictionary. |
U7 |
Church of Uganda, PDR Unit, Kampala |
Box 14123 Kampala |
Regional headquarters coordinating Zonal offices with support for group enterprises. |
Quarterly newsletter - Service sent to all projects offices. Various other reports and publications. Printing Dept with good facilities |
Several issues of Service |
U8 |
Church of Uganda-Zonal Coordinator's Office, Lira |
Box 602, Lira |
Working with 23 project holders from zone. Tends to favour larger projects. Emphasis on deprived areas. Training workshops |
Reports on project holders only |
U9 |
Community Development Office, Mbarara |
Mbarara |
Provide Community Development assistants to work with groups in every sub county, especially women's groups, hand in hand with extension staff. Aim - mobilising communities. Pilot literacy projects. Distribute primers (when available) Underfunded. |
Would like to produce quarterly newsletter written by adult literacy learners - no funding |
None |
U10 |
DENIVA (Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations), Kampala |
Box 11224, Kampala |
Networking local NGOs, good funding and well trained staff. Excellent resource centre |
Quarterly newsletter, very well produced. Other reports and publications. |
Various issues of Deniva News. Study - NGOs and development |
U11 |
Diocese of East Ankole, Christian Rural Service Dept |
CRS Dept, Box 14, Mbarara |
Small dept within large diocese. Unusual in retaining CRS workers - phased out in most other dioceses in favour of Zonal coordinators. Excellent tree nursery, organises group farmer's visits |
None |
Lists of tree nursery seedlings available |
U12 |
District Agricultural Office, Mbarara |
Lacking resources for materials and transport. |
None |
U13 |
DVV, (German Adult Education Association) c/o Makerere University |
Box 7062 |
International German umbrella organisation supporting adult education and literacy programmes in Uganda. Now handed over all work to UJAFAE |
Indirectly supporting several literacy groups and programmes including national |
Various literacy primers eg Rukiga Functional literacy curriculum |
U14 |
Environmental Alert |
Ugandan NGO founded in 1988. Promotes environmental awareness and sustainable agricultural development. Provide training, networking and farmer research. |
Resource centre with numerous magazines and newsletters. Translate relevant articles. So far 3 topics - natural pesticides, compost making and soil conservation typed and photocopied (50 copies). Plan materials in 4 main languages. |
Brochure |
U15 |
Family Life Education |
Department in Ministry of Information - established in 1989. Funded by UNFPA, FAO and government and coordinated with NGOS and other ministries. Share information about population mainly through radio and video. |
Trained 3200 local artists about population issues. So far written 75 drama pieces, 58 songs and 18 stories. Numerous radio broadcasts and weekly TV programme. Plan to produce newsletters, leaflets and posters |
U16 |
Family Planning Association of Uganda |
Though not concerned with agriculture (though they use farming and crop spacing examples) of interest in view of the large number of simple and well illustrated folded A4 leaflets produced and freely distributed nationwide. |
Produce about 6000 posters each year and 10,000 leaflets in a number of local languages. Agricultural component now being introduced. Funded by IPPF. |
Leaflets on the benefits of family planning in Runyankole and Luganda |
U17 |
Massive office in Kampala with numerous vehicles. Unable to gain access and talk to anyone. "No we don't produce anything..." |
Despite extensive funding, claim they produce nothing in terms of printed material. |
Internationally produced Better Farming Series of approx 40 booklets |
U18 |
Forestry Research Institute, NARO |
Box 1752 Kampala |
Government forestry research Department. New staff member in charge of resources. One very motivated individual keen to produce more resources aimed at farmers. |
Information sheets on trees/shrubs. Quarterly newsletter - Fori News (200 copies) - sharing details of research, researchers, workshops and training. |
F on News. 3 pages info sheet on Gliricidia sepium |
U19 |
Heifer International, Kampala |
Box 14225 Kampala |
Training and provision of quality heifers to needy families to improve nutrition and income |
Numerous publications - many international. Series of 13 booklets on various aspects of animal husbandry and nutrition - English, Luganda and 1 other language |
2 manuals-very well illustrated Zero Grazing Manual (3600/=) 13 Booklets in 3 languages on Zero grazing (2200/=). |
U20 |
Iganga District Agriculture Office |
Team of 14 subject matter specialists working alongside 49 Extension workers. Underfunded, few funds for transport. Good forward planning. Work through already funded groups |
No library, just a few newsletters received. Never heard of ARIS. No NARO booklets available. Teaching notes produced for trainers |
None |
U21 |
Iganga Girls Secondary School, Agricultural Section |
One department in large successful secondary school. Practical demonstrations very poor, providing no encouragement to pursue farming. |
Teaching notes |
U22 |
Ikulwe District Farm Institute |
Box 266, Iganga |
Run down and under-utilised farm institute. No funds or renovation since 1979. Skeleton staff hanging on in the hope of redevelopment. Virtually no training done except 1 day courses for extension staff |
None. Library dates back to 1960s and 70s. No new materials |
None |
U23 |
Institute of Adult and Continuing Education, Makerere University |
Box 7062 |
Small department with lecturers involved in several areas of adult education and literacy, some with interest in locally generated materials |
Various academic papers and reports |
Paper-Problems of University's role in adult education. Leaflet |
U24 |
Jinja Catholic Diocese - Women's Desk |
Box 672 Jinja |
Desk covers three Districts in eastern and central Uganda. Set up in 1994 to concentrate on women's issues. Work with 184 groups. Train trainers, provide skills training, small scale credit and liase with Government staff. 70 adult literacy classes. |
Series of four reading books in Lusoga (2000 copies). Training manuals in Lusoga (over 100 copies). Consult widely before writing at grassroots level. |
U25 |
Kigulu Development Group, Iganga |
Box 619 Iganga |
Regional NGO, holistic development including gari, nutritious weaning foods. Work with CBOs, training, skills sharing. Funding from Belgium (COOPIBO), Netherlands (NOVID) |
Large well equipped office. Reasonable library. Produce reports etc. Considering producing other materials |
None produced as yet |
U26 |
KIIRA Adult Education Association of Uganda |
Box Iganga |
Regional NGO - first in Iganga in early 1980s. Functional literacy programme funded by DVV. Training for literacy trainers. At present in crisis. Legal battle to separate from founder - new offices. Founder member now working on his own in separate office. |
Duplicating and scanning equipment in original office. Produce primers in local language and newsletters |
2 issues of newsletter in local language. Early ones hand written and silk screen duplicated |
U27 |
Kisalizi World Vision Project |
Sub office of national World Vision. Working to promote health and development. Building clinic - health and agricultural training |
Few facilities. None produced |
U28 |
Literacy and Adult Basic Education (LABE), Kampala |
Box 14171 Mengo, Kampala |
A national NGO initiated by an individual. LABE works with literacy projects around the country, networking, training and sharing information |
Keen to promote locally generated materials. Use of silk screens. Regular newsletter - The Lit |
Copies of The Lit Training notes and background information |
U29 |
Literacy and Adult Education for Development Association (LAEDA) |
Box 707, Mbarara |
Local voluntary group established by LABE, coordinating literacy training with 24 groups in Mbarara area. Small office |
Few facilities. Typewriter, silk screens. Teaching notes for work in training literacy facilitators |
Training notes |
U30 |
Mission Moving Mountains (MMM) |
Box 1030 Mbale |
National NGO with US funding. Agriculture and health promotion. Works with women's groups. Training and demonstration gardens |
Use posters and charts in training. Print leaflets, training manuals (1500 copies) and booklets (6000) in both English and Lumasaba. Limited through lack of funding |
Samples |
U31 |
Modern Campaign Against Illiteracy (MCAI) |
Box 1784 Masaka |
Runs academy for young people and produces literacy materials. Initiated by Director Mr Ddumba Joseph. Series of booklets for new literates. Some sponsored by St Pauls Centre, UNESCO. Lacks funds to print 2 new booklets |
Prints 2 series each with 7/8 booklets in Luganda aimed at early readers all written by Ddumba Joseph. Distributed through bookshops. 54,000 printed and distributed. |
Several copies in Luganda, Mujje, Tusome, Tuyige |
U32 |
Multi-purpose Training and Employment Association of Uganda (MTEA) |
Box 93, Iganga |
Regional NGO with about 60 member groups in Iganga District. MTEA began in 1986 as a youth organisation, later expanded to all ages for training in skills. Small office funded by members' contributions and run largely by volunteers. |
Small but well organised library and resources. Excellent use of small resources. Enthusiastic staff committed to locally generated materials. Silk screen printing for local training needs. Reports |
Report - Multiplication of virus resistant cassava. Newsletter |
U33 |
National Adult Education Association of Uganda (NAEAU), Kampala |
Box 8174 Kampala |
Membership organisation promoting adult education. Networking and information sharing. Provides training for adult education instructors, leadership training and some scholarships. |
Various publications, academic in nature |
Paper - Role of NAEA in Development |
U34 |
National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Entebbe |
Founded in 1917 when Agriculture Dept took over botanic gardens (founded in 1898). Agricultural Communication Centre responsible now for production of printed materials, booklets, reports and journal for Department of Agriculture |
Produces series of folded A4 Growers Guides for use by extension agents. Booklets, research journal, monthly NARO Bulletin for department staff and researchers |
Naro Bulletin A guide for Fish farmers -booklet Growers guides -Sunflowers, Sesame |
U35 |
National Womens' Association for Social and Educational Advancement (NWASEA), |
Box 519 Iganga |
Work with women's groups, networking, training and informal support. Literacy, income generation groups. Emphasis on mobilisation. Lacking funds and office equipment. No permanent staff |
Typewriter in tiny office space (actually shop front). No materials produced but distribute useful information sent to them. |
None except copies of good materials |
U36 |
New Vision Newspaper, Agricultural Features Editor |
Box 9815, Kampala |
Regular page in daily newspaper usually every Monday |
Agricultural page or column each week. Little reader feedback |
Some examples |
U37 |
Ngetta District Farm Institute |
Box 52, Lira |
Farmer training centre for 2 districts. Training in ox ploughing, animal traction, crop husbandry. 89 farmers trained in 1995. Also refresher courses for Extension agents and NGO funded training |
Used to receive Dept of Agric booklets to distribute. None received for a long time. |
Details of books in library |
U38 |
Ngetta Experimental Station |
Satellite research station doing crop trials for oil crops, cereals and grain legumes. Mother station is Serere. |
Previously produced pamphlet - Guide to Upland Rice for local distribution. Library looted and not replaced. |
No samples remaining |
U39 |
Nyamitanga Printing Press |
Mbarara |
Catholic Printing Centre. Well equipped with well trained staff. Excellent reputation for quality and speed. |
None initiated by them but print numerous booklets for Catholic Dioceses. Good distribution system throughout country |
Several from different series |
U40 |
On Farm Productivity Enhancement Program, (OFPEP), Iganga |
Box 395 Iganga |
US-AID funded program aiming to improve farmers access to good seeds, planting materials, improved soil management practices and sustainable yield increases. |
International newsletter Of Soils and Seeds with African focus Farmer information sheets. Multiplier approach |
A4 Seed catalogue lists |
U41 |
Public Libraries Board |
Government Dept in charge of all public libraries, aiming to promote reading culture. In 1960s and 70s used postal library services for remote areas with a mobile library serving the East of Uganda and Entebbe. Now only public libraries in major towns primarily for students, researchers and journalists. |
Hope to create rural library services, with funding from UNESCO or DANIDA. Pilot phase planned for 3 areas but no recent developments. Produce 100 copies of professional newsletter 3 times a years Not used to full potential. |
U42 |
Radio Uganda, Rural Farm Broadcasts |
1 -2 broadcasts every week translated into 23 languages. Every language has its own slot and time with 15-30 mins a week. |
Good working relationship with extension services and Entebbe research station |
Weekly broadcasts |
U43 |
Rukiga Agricultural Development Project (World Vision) |
Box 867 Kabale |
Regional project of World Vision based in Rukiga sub county. Began in 1994. Combined approach in agroforestry, health and agriculture. |
Work with individuals and groups in sharing information. No printed materials available though good office |
None |
U44 |
Mbale |
Large, German funded NGO working with health, orphans and agricultural development |
Share information through support staff who visit groups. Demonstration farm using mechanisation |
Leaflet providing information about the organisation |
U45 |
The Shea Butter Nut Tree Project |
Box Lira |
Offshoot of COVOL in US. Initiated by US citizen following research on potential of Shea Butter Nut tree. Work with women's groups - producing Shea butter nut oil and income generation |
Well resourced office. Reports, teaching notes etc produced. |
Notes for Nursery Workshops (3 pages). Credit guidelines |
U46 |
Uganda Catholic Secretariat |
Box 2886 Kampala |
National Centre for Catholic Church |
Regular newsletter |
News Bulletin |
U47 |
Uganda Catholic Social Training Centre |
Established in 1969. Provides courses in Social development, secretarial skills, business administration and Accountancy. Also have an outreach department who offer short community based training courses up country |
Plan to begin newsletter to keep in touch with former students and inform them of useful information |
Well printed A5 Prospectus 1996-7 |
U48 |
Uganda Change Agent Training Programme (UCAA) |
Box 2922 Kampala |
Founded in 1992. Funded by Quaker Service Norway. Provides residential training courses for Change Agents which includes extensive fieldwork in trainee's home area. Membership limited to development workers who have undergone the training course. |
Training booklets Newsletter sent to all Change Agents (over 600)for support, new ideas and networking. |
CA Booklets: Small Group Savings and Credit Schemes- English and Runyankore/Rukiga |
U49 |
Uganda Community Based Health Care(UCBHC) |
Box 325, Entebbe |
Training and materials in CBHC around Uganda. 350 member groups approx. Excellent and motivated staff. Initial funding from UNICEF. Now more precarious from international donors. |
Series of quite excellent training manuals and visual aids. Well illustrated and designed. International appeal. Simple language but expensive. Quarterly newsletter - CBHC News. |
Complete set of manuals. Several issues of CBHC News. |
U50 |
Uganda Joint Action for Adult Education (UJAFAE) |
Box 11380 Kampala |
National NGO networking existing adult education associations and institutions. Seminars, workshops, publications. Inherited funding capacity of DVV. |
Academic reports and journal Introductory leaflet |
First issue of Journal of UJAFAE. Leaflet |
U51 |
UNFA-Kampala |
Box 6213 Kampala |
NGO bringing together farmers and agro-related industry. Founded in 1992. Supported by Govt. Objectives: improve farmers income and welfare, provide farmer services, promote agricultural interests. Funded by members. |
Produces magazine The Farmer's Voice and a national newsletter. |
The Farmer's Voice (sold for 1000/=) |
U52 |
Uganda National Farmers Association (UNFA) Iganga |
Box 266, Iganga |
District branch networking with farmer groups. Provide training and link up with extension services. Under-resourced. Work through Front line workers |
No locally generated materials produced |
U53 |
Uganda National Farmers Association (UNFA), Lira |
District branch networking with farmer groups. Use Key Contact Farmers. Provide training and link up with extension services. |
Twice produced a newsletter in Luo - 6 pages long. Few facilities but enthusiastic. Distributed about 200 copies |
Duplicated training notes |
U54 |
Uganda Soil Conservation and Agroforestry Pilot Project (USCAPP) |
Box 8, Mbarara |
Pilot project funded by SIDA using staff seconded from Dept of Agric. Well funded and organised. Good library with spare copies passed onto schools and training centres |
Plan to produce notes in local language in mandate - but not yet begun |
None |
U55 |
Uganda Womens' Finance and Credit Trust Ltd (UWFCT), |
Box 6972 Kampala |
National NGO organising savings schemes for women and groups. Credit and loan system |
Information pamphlet |
None |
U56 |
VI Tree Planting Project |
Box 1732 Masaka |
Swedish funded national NGO. Tree nurseries, workshops, training on need for reafforestation. Run seed store in Masaka town. Initiated large reafforestation project. |
Numerous simple handouts in several languages. Well illustrated, printed on card. Notes on compost making, fuel saving stoves, liquid manure, natural pesticides |
Handouts: useful agroforestry trees, direct sowing, termite resistant trees, teaching notes |
Other sources of locally generated materials seen or collected without a personal visit
U57 |
Dept of Agric, Kitgum - Veterinary and Forestry Section |
PO Box 26, Kitgum |
Team of subject matter specialists. Main contact Mr Abwola Grace. Produced Yoo Maber series which was greatly appreciated. No copies available. |
Yoo Maber- series of four booklets in Luo and Acholi-vegetable production, beekeeping, poultry and tree planting. 200 copies printed in 1989 and 1990 and funded by an Italian NGO. |
All four booklets in Yoo Maber sews |
U58 |
Mushanga parish, Mbarara - 4 authors (1 German) |
Catholic Diocese, Mbarara |
Excellent booklet on sustainable agriculture in local language. Well illustrated. Printed at Marianum Press, Kisubi, Kampala. Out of print. |
Ohingye Otungye (Cultivate and Grow/Rich) |
Photocopy of cover and sample pages |
U59 |
Marianum Press Catholic Printing Press |
Box 11 Kasubi, Kampala |
Large and well run printing press run by Catholic Diocese. Commercially run. |
Several series of booklets on morality and development issues in local languages. Sold in Catholic bookshops nationally for 200/= or 300/=. Popular with priests. |
Nooyetwa Kuboneza Ensi (Work and responsibilities), Abagyenda Bareba (Those who travel learn) |
U60 |
Uganda Farmer |
Box 10436 Kampala |
Bimonthly farming magazine, privately produced. Good range of articles. Many agricultural adverts. |
Uganda Farmer - 2000/= |
Uganda Farmer |