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Annan, Kofi. (1998) "Foreword" in The State of the World's Children 1999: Education. New York: UNICEF.

Basu, Kaushik and Foster, James E. (1998) On Measuring Literacy; Policy Research Working Paper 1997. Washington: Office of the Senior Vice President, World Bank.

Carron, Gabriel and Ta Ngoc, Chau. (1996) The Quality of Primary Schools in Different Contexts. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP.

Cawthera, Andrew J. (1997) Nijera Shiki: The Operation and Effectiveness of a People's Literacy Movement. Unpublished Master's Thesis. University of Manchester.

Chambers, Robert. (1998) "Foreword" in Whose Voice? Participatory Research and Policy Change. Holland, Jeremy with Blackburn, James (eds). London: Intermediate Technology Publications.

Colclough, Christopher with Lewin, Keith M. (1993) Educating All the Children: Strategies for Primary Schooling in the School. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Creative Association International Inc. (1994) Educating Girls: Investing in Development. CAII.

Department for International Development. (1997) Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century. London: DFID.

Department for International Development. (1998) Breaking the Barriers: Women and the Elimination of World Poverty. London: DFID.

Department for International Development. (1998) China Country Strategy Paper. London: DFID.

Department for International Development. (1998) Mozambique Country Strategy Paper. London: DFID.

Department for International Development. (1998) Vietnam Country Strategy Paper. London: DFID.

Department for International Development. (1999) Project Submission. London: DFID.

Development Assistance Committee. (1998) Guidelines for Gender Equality & Women's Empowerment in Development Co-operation. Belgium: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Development Assistance Committee. (1998) DAC Source-book on Concepts and Approaches Linked to Gender Equality. Belgium: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

District Primary Education Programme (DPEP). (1998) Evaluation in Primary Education: A Handbook for Getting Started. India: Ministry of Human Resources Development, Education Department.

ECA/UNICEF. (1997) "Consensus of Principles of Cost Sharing in Education and Health" in Sub-Saharan Africa, Addis Ababa: 10-12 June 1998: Report of an International Forum. Addis Ababa 10th - 12th June 1997 ECA/UNICEF/World Bank.

Filmer, Dean and Pritchett, Lant. (1998) The Effect of Household Wealth on Educational Attainment: Demographic and Health Survey Evidence. Washington: World Bank Development Research Group.

Fluitman, Fred. (1998) "Reforming Vocational Training: Lessons from an International Study" in Donor Policies in Skills Development: Reforming Education and Training Policies and Systems. Working Group for International Co-operation in Vocational and Technical Skills Development.

Gaynor, Cathy. (1995) Decentralisation of Primary Education: Implications at School and Community Level. Washington: The World Bank.

Hanmer, Lucia; de Jong, Nick; Kiman, Rachel and Mooj, Jos. (1998) Are the DAC Targets Achievable? in Poverty and Human Development in the Year 2015 (Draft). Institute of Social Studies: The Hague.

Interagency Commission on the World Conference on Education for All. (1990) Final Report: World Conference on Education for All - Meeting Basic Learning Needs. New York: WCEFA.

Kelly, J. (1998) Primary Education in a Heavily Indebted Country. The Case of Zambia in the 1990's. A Report for Oxfam and UNICEF. Oxford: Oxfam.

King, Kenneth and McGrath, Simon. (1998) "Leaning to Compete: Edinburgh Summary Report" an unpublished paper for DFID, Education Division. London: DFID

Mohiddin, Ahmed. (1998) "Partnership: A New Buzz Word on Realistic Relationship" in Development, 41:4.

Odaga, Adhiambo and Henevald, Ward. (1995) Girls and Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Analysis to Action -World Bank Technical Paper No. 298: Africa Technical Department Series. Washington: World Bank.

Penrose, Perran. (1997) Cost Sharing in Education: Public Finance, School and Household Perspectives. Department for International Development Education Research Papers, Serial No 27. London: DFID.

Phnuyal, Bimal. (1998) "The Organic Process of Participation and Empowerment" in REFLECT in Participation, Literacy & Empowerment. Paris: IIEP.

Save the Children Fund. (1998) A Chance in Life: Principles and Practice in Basic Primary Education for Children. London: Save the Children Fund.

Sen, Amartya (1997). "Development Thinking at the Beginning of the 21st Century". Paper given at London School of Economics.

Uganda, Minister of Education's Address to Donors (1998), quoted in Sector Wide Approaches to Education: A Strategic Analysis (draft) Ratcliffe Macrae Associates (1999) London: DFID.

UNESCO. (1998) World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century: Vision and Action. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO. (1998) Girls and Women's Education; Policies and Implementation Mechanisms; Case Study: India Planning and Sector Analysis Unit. Bangkok: UNESCO.

UNICEF. (1998) The State of the World's Children 1999: Education. New York: UNICEF.

Williams, E. (1998) Investigating Bilingual Literacy: Evidence from Malawi and Zambia. Department for International Development Education Research Papers, Serial No 24. London: DFID.

World Bank. (1998) Word Development Report: 1998/99 - Knowledge for Development. Washington: World Bank

The Department for International Development (DFID) is the British government department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty. The government elected in May 1997 increased its commitment to development by strengthening the department and increasing its budget.

The policy of the government was set out in the White Paper on International Development, published in November 1997. The central focus of the policy is a commitment to the internationally agreed target to halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by 2015, together with the associated targets including basic health care provision and universal access to primary education by the same date.

DFID seeks to work in partnership with governments which are committed to the international targets, and seeks to work with business, civil society and the research community to encourage progress which will help reduce poverty. We also work with multilateral institutions including the World Bank, United Nations agencies and the European Commission. The bulk of our assistance is concentrated on the poorest countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

We are also contributing to poverty elimination and sustainable development in middle income countries, and helping the transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe to try to ensure that the widest number of people benefit from the process of change.

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