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First aid: What to do in case of an accident

EXPOSED TO PESTICIDE SPRAY OR DRIFT. While at work You could be poisoned by getting pesticide un Your skin. Pesticides could drift or accidentally be sprayed on you.

Stop pesticide poisoning by rinsing the pesticide off your skin and clothes. Use a nearby water supply such as a lake, field tank or irrigation ditch.

As soon as possible, take a shower with soap and water. Remember to shampoo your hair.

After showering, put on clean clothes and wash the sprayed clothes before wearing them again.

OVERCOME BY PESTICIDE FUMES. Inhaling the fumes of some pesticides can cause pesticide poisoning.

If a person is overcome by pesticide fumes get the victim in fresh air. If you cannot do this in one breath, then you will need breathing equipment. Don't become the second victim.

Check the victim for breathing. If the victim is not breathing give artificial respiration. If you are unable to give artificial respiration call the emergency medical service or find help.

If you gave artificial respiration to the victim call the doctor as soon as the victim is breathing easy again.

SWALLOWING A PESTICIDE. Swallowing a pesticide can cause poisoning or death. If a pesticide is swallowed, give the victim water to drink, if conscious. This will dilute the poison.

If you have the label of the pesticide and can get to a telephone immediately, call the doctor. Generally the doctor will not be able to give directions over the phone unless he knows what has poisoned the victim.

If you are unable to get medical help immediately, follow the first aid directions on the label. Then take the victim to an emergency medical facility. Some labels do not have first aid information, in this case you can only take the victim to medical help.

PESTICIDES IN YOUR EYES. Eye damage can happen in a few minutes from some types of pesticide. Eye membranes absorb pesticides faster than any other part of the body.

Rinse your eyes immediately with clean water or an eye wash from a first aid kit for 15 minutes. Never use eye drops such as Visine or Murine.

Go see a doctor if eye irritation occurs.

Some pesticides can cause skin rashes or burn your skin

Some pesticides can cause skin rashes or burn your skin. Your skin could become red, itch and water blisters may form. Eye redness and soreness can be caused by splashing a pesticide in your eye or rubbing your eyes with a sleeve or hand that has pesticide on it.

Skin rashes and eye irritation can become serious injuries and should be treated by a doctor,

If you have signs of pesticide poisoning, you should get medical help

If you have signs of pesticide poisoning, you should get medical help. Take the pesticide label of name on the label to the doctor, health clinic or emergency room.

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