Participants in the Follow-up meeting for the implementation of and further research on biological control of the Larger Grain Borer.
BENIN: | P. Fandohan |
B. Langer | |
C. Lawani | |
Mr. S. Saizonou | |
Protection des Végétaux, BP 58, Porto-Novo. |
Ms. P. Mutlu |
Dr.F. Schulleri | |
GTZ, Service Protection des Végétaux, BP 1073, Porto-Novo. |
FAO: | Dr. G.G.M. Schulten |
FAO, Plant Protection Service (AGPP), Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. |
GHANA: | G.A. Dixon |
Ministry of
Agriculture, Plant Protection and Regulatory Service, PO Box M37, Accra. |
GTZ: | Dr. G-A. Laborius |
GTZ, D-2000 Hamburg Versmannstrasse 4 Federal Republic of Germany. |
Ms. M. Poeschko | |
Bundesanstalt Berlin (BBA), Institut fur Vorratsschutz, Königin-Luise-Str. 19, D-1000 Berlin 33 Federal Republic of Germany. |
IAPSC: | Dr. N. Nkouka |
OAU/STRC Inter-African Phytosanitary Council, BP 4170, Yaoundé, Cameroun. |
IIBC: | Dr. M. Cock |
Agricultural Research institute, PO Box 30148, Nairobi, Kenya. |
IITA. | Dr. W. Hammond |
Dr. H. Herren | |
Dr. R. Markham | |
Dr. P. Neueschwander | |
M. Zweigert | |
IITA - BCP BP 08-0932, Cotonou Benin. |
Dr. N. Bosque Perez | |
IITA, Maize Research Programme, PMB 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria. |
KENYA: | G. Kibata |
KARI, National Agricultural Research Laboratories, PO Box 14733, Nairobi. |
Dr. G. Maurer |
GTZ/MOA, PO Box 41607, Nairobi. |
P. Giles |
Research Project, PO Box 14733, Nairobi. |
MALAWI: | R. Borowka |
MC-BPP, PO Box 49, Mzuzu. |
NRI: | Mr. S. Bickersteth |
Dr. K. Dick | |
Mr. D. Rees | |
NRI, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, KENT ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. |
TANZANIA: | Mr. G. Mallya |
MALD, PO Box 7473, Arusha. |
TOGO: | Mr. F. Adam |
Dr. D. Agounké | |
Mr. K. Akator | |
Mr. D. Akou-Edi | |
Protection des Végétaux, BP 1263, Lomé. |
L. Adjevi | |
DRDR/RM, BP 446, Lomé. |
K. Amona | |
DRDR/RC, BP 86, Sokodé. |
E. Kolouké | |
DRDR/RK, BP 03, Kara. |
O. Ajavon | |
Association pour
l'Environnement Afrique, BP 3522, Lomé. |
P. Hindryckx |
S. Ouattara | |
TOG/87/012, BP 438X, Lomé. |
Dr. J. Boeye |
Dr. H.U. Fischer | |
Mr. J. Helbig | |
Ms. S. Henning | |
GTZ/SPV, BP 1263, Lomé. |
Ms. A. Stabrawa |
Mr. M. Wright | |
NRI/SPV, BP 1263, Lomé. |
Achevé d'imprimer sur les presses offset CTCE
2ème trimestre 1992