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7. Referencias bibliograficas seleccionadas

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ARIAS, V. CIRO y DELL'ORTO, T. HORACIO: Distribución e importancia de 1983 insectos que dañan granos y productos almacenados en Chile. Proyecto FAO-INIA PFL/CHI/001. 67 pp. Chile.

ARTIGAS, N. JORGE y CASANUEVA, E. MARIA. Ataros del polvo de las 1983 habitaciones de Chile. Guyana N° 47. Universidad de Concepción. Chile.

ASHMAN, F.: Inspection methods for detecting insects in stored producís. 1 966 Tropical Stored Products Information N ° 12, pp. 481-492, TSPC. England.

BEAL, JR. R.S.: Descriptions, Biology and Notes on the Identification of 1960 sume Trogoderma Larvae (Coleoptera Dermestidae). Techn. Bull. N° 1 228 Agric. Res. Serv. U.S.D.A.

BIEGE, C. y PARTIDA, D.J.:Taxonomic characters to identify three species 1976 of Cryptolestes (Coleoptera, Cucujidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 2: 161-164.

BOLES, H.P. y MARZKE, F.: Lepidoptera infesting stored producís. pp. 1966 259-270. Insects Colonization and Mass Production (Ed. by Smith, C.N.). Academic Press. New York. 618 PP

COTTON, R.: Pest of Stored grain and grain producís. Burgess Publishing 1956 Co. Minneapolis Minn. 306 pp.

DAVIES, J.C.:Cleoptera associated with stored producís in Uganda. E. Afr. 1960 Agric. J. 25: 199-201.

DEPARTAMENTO DE DIAGNOSTICO Y VIGILANCIA. DIVISION PROTEC-1980 CION AGRICOLA. SAG.: Records de Interpretación, Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero. Ministerio de Agricultura. Chile. 68 pp.

DORSON, R.M.: The species of Carpophilus stephens. (Col. Nitidulidae). 1954 Associated with stored Products. Bull. of Ent. Res. 45: 389-402.

DURAN, M. LEONIDAS. Los Insectos Perjudiciales en los Productos Alma 1952 cenados y los Procedimientos para Combatirlos. Editorial Universitaria S.A. Chile. 185 pp.

ESSIG, E.O.: A History of Entomoly. Hafner Publishing Co., 2nd. edition. New York, London.

GONZALEZ, R.H.; ARRETZ, P. y CAMPOS, L.: Catálogo de Plagas Agrícolas 1973 de Chile. Revista Ciencias Agrícolas N ° 2. Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad de Chile. 69 pp.

GORDON, l.: lmportance of larval characters in classification. Nature. 1 76: 1955 911 -912.

GREEN, M.: Cryptolestes klapperichi Lefkovitch in stored producís and its 1979 identification (Coleoptera: Cucujidae). J. of Stored Prod. Res. 11: 71 -72. Great Britain.

HAREIN, P.K. y SODERSTROM, E.L.: Coleoptera infesting stored producís. 1966 pp. 214-257. In: Insct Colonization and Mass Production (Ed. by Smith C.N.). Academic Press, New York. 618 pp.

HAYHURST, H.:lnsect Pests in Stored Products. Chapman and Hall Ltd. 1942 London. 108 pp.

HINTON, H.E and CORBET, A.S.: Commons insect pests of stored food 1972 producís. A guide to their identification. British Museum. Economic Series N ° 15. London, 52 pp.

HO, F.K.: ldentification of Tribolium Larvae by their Setal Characteristics 1967 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Ann. Entom. Soc. 60: 729-732. U.S.A.

HODGES, R.:Arthropod pest of stored producís: Collection, Preservation 1980 and Dispatch for Identification. Tropical Stored Products Information. N° 39, pp. 39-42. TSPC. England.

HODGES, R.H.: A review of the biology and control of the rice moth Corcyra 1979 cephalonica Stainton. (Lepidoptera: Galleriinae). Bulletin G 125. Tropical Products Institute. England.

HODGES, R.H.: A review of the biology and control of the greater grain 1982 borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn): (Coleoptera; Bostrichidae). Tropical Stored Products Information N° 43, pp. 3-9. TSPC. England.

HUGHES, A.M.:The mitas of stored food and houses. Ministry of Agriculture 1976 and Fisheries and Food. Tech. Bull. N° 9. London.

JAMIESON, M. y JOBBER, P.:Manejo de los Alimentos. Ecología del Alma1974 cenamiento. Vol. 1. Editorial Pax. México. 195 pp.

JOHNSON, C.D.:Manual sobre insectos que infestan la semilla de Proposis. 1 983 Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. 55 pp. Roma.

KIRPATRICK, R.L.: Rubber-Bulb aspirators to handle minute insects. J. of 1962 Econ. Entomol. 55: 411.

LARSON, A.O. y FISHER, C.K.: The Bean Weevil and the Southern cowpea 1938 weevil in California "Acanthoscelides obtectus" and "Callosobruchus maculatus ". F. U.S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull. 593 U.S.A. 70 pp.

LE CATO, G.L. y FLATHERTY, B.R.: Description of eggs of selected species 1974 of stored-products insects. J. Kansas Entomol. S. pp. 308-317.

LESPAGE, H.S. y GONÇALVEZ, L.l.: lnsectos perjudiciais ao milho armat 939 zenado. Seccao de cereais. Boletín N° 2. Ministerio de :Agricultura. Brasil. 37 pp.

LUM, P.T.M. y BAKER, J.E.: Sexual dimorphism in the Sixth Abdominal 1975 Sternite of Sitophilus oryzae (L.). (Coleoptera: Curculinidae). J. of Stored Prod. Res. 11: 57-59, Great Britain.

MC FARLANE, J.A.: Damage to milled rice by psocids. Tropical Stored Pro1982 ducts Information. N° 44 pp. 3-10. rgg. England.

PEÑA, L.E.: Nuevos Insectos Introducidos Accidentalmente en Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomología N° 7. 251 pp.

PFAFFENBERGER, G.S. y JOHNSON, C.D.: Biosystematic of the First-1976 Stage Larvae of Some North Ameritan Bruchidae (Coleoptera). Technical Bulletin N° 1525. Agricultural Research Service U.S.D.A. 75 pp.

RICHARDS, O.W. y THOPSON, A.: contribution to the study of the Genera 1 932 Ephestia gn. (Including Strymax, Dyar) and Plodia gn. Lepidotera Phycitidae with notes of parasites of the larvae. Trans. Entomol. Soc. London. 80: 169-170.

ROBINSON, VERNA R.:The Mouth parts of the larval and Adult stages of 1930 Dermestes vulpinus F. Ann. Ent. Soc. of Am. 23.

SEVINTUNA, C. y MUSGRAVE, A.J.: A note of sexual dimorphism in Sitophi1960 lus weevils. Can. Ent. 92: 467-469.

SHIRES, S.W.:Observations on Liposcelis bostrychophilus Badonnel (Pso1982 coptera). Tropical Stored Products Information. N ° 44, pp. 11 -1 4. TSPC. England.

SLOW, J.M.: A morphological comparison of the adults of Oryzaephilus 1958 surinamensis (L.) and O. mercator (Fauvel) (Col. Cucujidae). Bull. of Ent. 49: 27-34.

SMITH, S.G. y BROWER, J.H.: Chromosome Numbers of Stored-Product 1974 Coleoptera. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 47: 317-328. U.S.A.

SOUTHGATE, B.J.: Manuel de lutte contre les insectos parasites des 1983 sementes d'acacias. FAO-ROMA. pp. 34.

STEMBLEY, P.C. y WILBUR, D.A.: A color Characteristic for Sexing 1966 Lesser Grain Borers. J. of Econ. Entomol. 59: 760-761. U.S.A.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: Insects in farm-stored wheat, How 1965 to control them. Leaflet N° 345.

USDA. Stored grains insects. Agriculture Handbock N ° 500. USDA, 1979 Washington, U.S.A. 56 pp.

YUL, RAMOS R.:Las especies de Brúquidos (gorgojos de las leguminosas) 1976 de interés agrícola y fitosanitario (Col. Bruchidae). 1. Carácteres Generales. Bol. Serv. Plagas 2: 1-35. España.

YUL, RAMOS R.:Las especies de Brúquidos (gorgojos de las leguminosas) 1976 de interés agrícola y fitosanitario (Col. Bruchidae). Il. Sistemática y Biología. Bol. Serv. Plagas 2: 35-72. España.

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