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5. Referencias bibliográficas

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1. ASAE, ASAE D271.2. Psychrometric Data. Agricultural Engineers Yearbook. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1980.

2 . AS H RAE, Handbook of fundamentáis, chapter 5 , psychrometries. American Society Heating Retrigerating Air Conditioning Engineers. New York, 1977.

3. BARWICK, A.J.; JORDAN, KA. & LONGHOUSE, A.D. Accuracy in computer evaluation of moist air properties. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(4): 579-585, 1976.

4. BROCHU, J. & WlLLIANS, G.D.V. Vapor pressure deficit vs. relative humidity for expressing atmospheric moisture content. Naturaliste Can., 96, 621636, 1969.

5. BROOKER, D.B.; BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W. & HALL, C.W. Drying cereal grains. Westport, Connecticut, The AVI Publishing Company, 1974.

6. BROOKER, D.B. Mathematical model of the psychrometric chart. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(4): 558-560,1967.

7. CHAU, K.V. Some new empirical equations for properties of moist air.Transactions of the ASAE,, St. Joseph, Michigan, 23(5): 1266-1271, 1980.

8. DEL GIUDICE, P.M. Curso Intensivo de Armazenamento de Graos. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Imprensa Universitaria, 1969.

9. HAZEN, T.E.; CURRY, N.H. Psychrometry In agricultural engineering. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 11 (2): 180-184, 1968.

10. DOOREMBOS, J. Agro-meteorological field stations - Irrigation and drainage papar no. 27. Roma, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1976.

11. HALASZ, L Capítulos da técnica de refrigeraçao. Campinas, Sao Paulo, Fundaçao Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia, 1980.

12. HENDERSON, S.M. 8 PERRY, R.L Agricultural process engineering. Westport, Connecticut, The AVI Publishing Company, 1979.

13. PALMATIER, E.P. The psycrometric chart and its aplication. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 11(2): 181-184, 1968.

14. LEE, J.F. 8 SEARS, F.W. Termodinamica, Sao Paulo, Editora Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1969.

15. SILVA, J.S. & COELHO, D.T. Noçoes de Climatología, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, CENTREINAR, 1979.

16. SILVA, M.B. Termodinamica. Sao Paulo, Editora Mc Graw-Hill do Brasil Ltda., 1972.

17. THRELKELD, J.L. Thermal environmental engineering. New Jersey, PrenticeHALL, 1962.

18. NOVA, N.A.V.; OMETO, J.C. & SALATI, E. Aspectos termodinamicos da atmosfera. Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Estola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, 1972.

19. VAN WYLEM, G.J. & SONTAG, R.E. Fundamentos da termodinamica clássica. Sao Paulo, Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda., 1976.

20. WILHEM, L.R. Numerical calculation of psichrometric properties in Sl units. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 19(2): 318-325,1976.

21. WEISS, A. Algorithms for the calculation of moist air properties on a hand calculator. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 20(6): 11331136,1977.


1. ALAM, A. & SHOVE, G.G. Higroscopicity and thermal properties of soybeans. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 16(14): 707-709, 1983.

2. ASAE. Agricultural/ Engineering Yearbook. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, Michigan, 1984-1985.

3. BACH, D.B. Curvas de equilíbrio higroscópico de feijao-preto. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Uníversidade Federal de Vi,cosa, 1979. 60 p. (Tese M.S.).

4. BROOKER, D.B.; BAKKER-ARKEMA, T.W.; HALL, C.W. Drying cereal/ grains. Westport, Connecticut, the AVI Publishing Company, 1974. 265 p.

5. CHUNG, D.S. & PFOST,, H.B. Adsorption and desorption isotherms for wheat. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(4): 149-157,1967.

6. CHUNG, D. S. & PFOST, H. B. Adsorption and desorption of water vapor by cereal grain and their products. Part l: Heat and free energy changas of adsorption and desorption. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(4): 549-551,1967.

7. CHUNG, D.S. & PFOST, H.B. Adsorption and desorption of water vapor by cereal grains and their products. Part ll: Development of the general isotherm equation. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(4): 552555, 1967.

8. CHUNG, D.S. & PFOST, H.B. Adsorption and desorption of water vapor by cereal grains and their products. Part IIIhypothesis, A hypothesis for explaning the hysteresis effect. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(4): 556-557, 1967.

9. DAY, D.L. & NELSON, G.L. Desorptions isotherms for wheat. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 8(2): 293-297, 1965.

10. DUGGAL, A.K;.; MUIR, W.E.; BROOKER, D.B. Sorption equllibrium moisture contents of wheat kernels and chaff. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1980 (Papar no. 80-3537).

11. FIOREZE, R. Adeptaçao do modelo de Thompson para simulaçao de secagem de raspas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta sp.). Joao Pessoa, Universide Federal da Paraíba, 1982. 95 p. (Tese M.S.).

12. FLOOD, C.A. 8 WHITE, G.M. Desorption equllibrium moisture content relationships for popcorn. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1(2): 561-565, 571, 1984.

13. FORTES, M. A non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach to transport phenomena in capillary-porous - media wilh special reference to drying of grains and foods. West Lafayette, Ind., Purdue University, 1978, 226 p. (Ph.D. Thesis).

14. FORTES, M. & OKOS, M.R. Drying theories: their bases and limitations as applied to food and grains. In: Advances in drying. A.A. Mujumdar, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1980. 301 p.

15. HALL, C.W. Drying and storage of agricultural crops. Westport, Connecticut, the AVI Publishing Company, 1980. 382 p.

16. HENDERSON, S.M. A basic concept of equilibrium moisture. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Michigan, 33(1): 29-32,1952.

17. HENDERSON, S.M. Equilibrium moisture content of small grain hysteresis. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 13(6) 762-764,1970.

18. HUNT, W.H. 8 PIXTON, J.W. Moisture its significance, behavior and measurement. In: Storage of cereal/ grain and their products. St. Paul, Minnesota, American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1974. 549 p.

19. IGBEKA, J.C.; BLAISDELL, J.L.; HERUM, F.L.; HAMDY, M.Y. Equilibrium moisture content of cassava and potato. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, Michigan, 1975 (Papar no. 75-6527).

20. NGODDY, P.O. & BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W. A generalized theory of sorption phenomena In biological materials. Part ll: Adsorption compression on sorbing biological materials. A density functions for sorbed water. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 15(16): 1153-1159, 1972.

21. NGODDY, P.O. 8 BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W. A generalizad theory of sorption phenomena in bioiogical products, Part III: A pare size distribution function of the power law type for bioiogical materials. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 15(5): 1160-1164,1972.

22. OTHMER, D.F. Correlating vapor pressure and latent heat data. Ind. Eng. Chem., 32 841-846, 1940.

23. PEREIRA, J.A.M. Estado de secagem e avaliaçao de propriedades físicas da mandioca. Viçosa, Uníversidade Federal de Viçosa,1 983.52 p. (Tese M.S.).

24. RAO, V.G. & PFOST, H.B. Physical properties relatad to drying 20 food grains. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, Michigan, 1980 (Papar no. 80-3539).

25. SILVA, J.N. Curvas de equilibrio higroscópico de cacau. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Uníversidade Federal de Viçosa, 1979. 47 p. (Tese M.S.).

26. STROHMAN, R.D. & YOERGER, R.R. A new equilibrium moisture content equations. Transactions of the ASAE. St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(5): 675677, 1967.

27. THOMPSON, H.J. & SHEDD, C.K. Equilibrium moisture content and heat of vaporization of shelled corn and wheat. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Michigan,135(11): 786-788,1954.

28. WHITE, G.M; ROSS, I.J.; KLAIBER, J.D. Moisture equilibrium in mixing of shelled corn,. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 15(3): 508509, 514, 1972.

29. YOUNG, J.H. & NELSON, G.L Theory of hysteresis between sorption and desorption isotherms in bioiogical materials. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(2): 260-262,1967.

30. YOUNG, J.H. Evaluation of models to describe sorption and desorption equilibrium moisture content isotherms of virgina - type peanuts. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 19(1): 146-155,1976.

31. YOUNG, J.H. 8 NELSON, G.L. Research of hysteresis between sorption and desorption isotherms of wheat. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 10(6): 756-761,1967.

32. ZURITZ, C.; SINGH, R.P.; MOINI, S.M.; HENDERSON, S.M. Desorptions isotherms of rough rice from 10°C to 40°C. Transactions of the ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, 22(2): 433436, 440, 1979.


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