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CLOSE THIS BOOKBetter Farming Series 28 - Water: Where Water Comes from (FAO, 1981, 31 p.)
Where to find surface water
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTSwamps, pond and lakes
VIEW THE DOCUMENTStreams and rivers

Better Farming Series 28 - Water: Where Water Comes from (FAO, 1981, 31 p.)

Where to find surface water

96. We can find surface water in

· swamps, ponds and lakes;
· streams and rivers.

Swamps, pond and lakes

97. When surface water gathers in low land and the water cannot flow away, it forms swamps, ponds and lakes.

Surface water gathering in low land

98. The level of water in a swamp, pond or lake may not stay the same all the time.

99. When there is little rain, the level of water is lower.

100. When there is much rain, the level of water is higher.

101. If the water table is very near the surface in a place where water cannot flow away, we can dig a pond where we can go for our water.

A pond

Streams and rivers

102. Streams and rivers are sources of surface water which has gathered in low land where the water flows away.

Streams and rivers

103. Like swamps, ponds and lakes, the level of water in a stream or river may not stay the same all the time (see Hems 109 and 110, this Booklet).

104. We can make a better water source in a stream by building an earth dam to store water so that we can use it later.

Building an earth dam


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