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CLOSE THIS BOOKAbstracts on Sustainable Agriculture (GTZ, 1992, 423 p.)
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Abstracts On Traditional Land-Use Systems
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Sustainability of land use systems: the potential of indigenous measures for the maintenance of soil productivity in sub-sahara african agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Building on local knowledge - the challenge of agroforestry for pastoral areas.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Alternatives to the traditional land-use system in alentejo, portugal, with special reference to soil tillage (alternative zum traditionellen landnutzungssystem im alentejo, portugal, unter besonderer ber_cksichtigung der bodenbearbeitung.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Indigenous farming systems and development of latin america: an amazonian example.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Socio-economic and institutional considerations in improving shifting cultivation in tropical Africa.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Traditional agriculture in southeastern Nigeria: demographic, land tenure, and other socio-economic factors.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Appropriate land use systems for shifting cultivators.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. The sustainability of the impact of the integrated rural development programme (IRDP) Zambia/nw-province.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Traditional knowledge about the use of soils in the Solomon Islands.
Abstracts on farming systems research and development
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Using indigenous knowledge in agricultural development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. On-farm sustainable agriculture research: lessons from the past, directions for the future.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. A manual for culturally-adapted market research (cmr) in the development process.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Environmentally compatible agricultural development. Resource, food and income security as a task for development and structural policy.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. The economics of sustainable agriculture: adding a downstream perspective.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Monitoring and evaluation in the management of agricultural research.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Sustainable institutions for african agricultural development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Human resource management for national agricultural research: lessons from ISNAR's experience.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. A conceptual framework for studying the links between agricultural research and technology transfer in developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Linkages between on-farm research and extension in nine countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Resource-poor farmer participation in research: a synthesis of experiences from nine national agricultural research systems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Organization and management of field activities in on-farm research: A review of experience in nine countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Social and human dimensions of agricultural development in africa in the perspective of the year 2000 (dimensions sociales et humaines du developpement agricole de l'Afrique dans la perspective de l'an 2000. ).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Nature and society.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Development of fragile lands: theory and practice.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Agricultural research networks as development tools: views of a network coordinator.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. Measures of protection: methodology, economic interpretation and policy relevance.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Women in development in southern africa; an annotated bibliography.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Women in development: a resource guide for organization and action.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Income generation and african rural women: choice or mere neglect.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT21. Accelerating technology transfer by means of atta (advanced technologies in traditional agriculture).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT22. Projects with people: the practice of participation in rural development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT23. Technological innovations in latin american agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT24. Agricultural compendium - for rural development in the tropics and subtropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT25. Guidelines for designing development projects to benefit the rural poor.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT26. Participatory education and grassroots development: the case of rural appalachia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT27. Approaches that work in rural development: emerging trends, participatory methods and local initiatives.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT28. Participatory rapid rural appraisal in wollo: peasant association planning for natural resource management.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT29. Farmers' knowledge of agricultural practices: a sri lankan experience.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT30. The sustainability of the impact of the integrated rural development programme (irdp) zambia/nw-province.
Abstracts on integrated systems
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Intensive sustainable livestock production: an alternative to tropical deforestation.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Utilization of the african giant land snail in the humid area of nigeria.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Important issues of small-holder livestock sector worldwide.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Small ruminant production in developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Microlivestock little-known small animals with a promising economic future.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Assisting African livestock keepers.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Deer farming.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Economic constraints on sheep and goat production in developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Strategies to increase sheep production in East Africa.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Alternatives to imported compound feeds for growing pigs in solomon islands.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Economic analysis of on-farm dairy animal research and its relevance to development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Grazing management: science into practice.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Fish-farming in sub-Saharan Africa: case studies in the francophone countries - proposals for future action.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Research and education for the development of integrated crop-livestock-fish farming systems in the tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Goats/fish integrated farming in the philippines.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. The sustainability of aquaculture as a farm enterprise in Rwanda.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Double-cropping malaysian prawns, macrobrachium rosenbergii, and red swamp crawfish, procambarus clarkii.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Rice/fish farming in Malaysia: a resource optimization
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Biotechnology in fishfarms: integrated farming or transgenic fish?
VIEW THE DOCUMENT21. Agricultural engineering in the development: tillage for crop production in areas of low rainfall.
Abstracts on cropping system
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Comparative evaluation of some inter-cropping systems in the humid tropics of southern nigeria.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Intercropping improves land-use efficiency.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. A new maize modernizes savanna farming.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Analysis of the environmental component of genotype x environment interaction in crop adaptation evaluation.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Climatic analyses and cropping systems in the semiarid tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Field crop production in tropical Africa.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Software system for plant growth prediction.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Flood-tolerant crops for low-input sustainable agriculture in the everglades agricultural area.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. The physiology of tropical production.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Achieving sustainability in cropping systems: the labour requirements of a mulch rotation system in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Grain yield responses in rice to eight tropical green manures.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Utilization efficiency of applied nitrogen as related to yield advantage in maize/mungbean intercropping.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Effects of two underseed species, medicago polymorpha l. And scorpiurus muricatus l.,on the yield of main crop (durum wheat) and subsequent crop (teff) under humid moisture regimes in Ethiopia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Characterization and environment-management relationships in beans and sorghum intercropped with maize in honduras. (caracterizacion y relaciones ambiente-manejo en sistemas de frijol y sorgo asociados con maiz en Honduras.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. Production potential of pigeonpea/pearl millet intercropping system in rainfed diara (floodprone) areas of eastern uttar pradesh, India.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Effect of mixed cropping lentil with barley at different seeding rates.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Yield performance and complementarity in mixtures of bread wheat (triticum aestivum l.) And pea (pisum sativum l.).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Economic feasibility of green manure in rice-based cropping systems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT21. Effect of nitrogen on pigeonpea (cajanus cajan) and rice (oryza sativa) intercropping system.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT22. Smallholder cotton cropping practices in Togo.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT23. Effect of row arrangement on yield and yield advantages in sorghum/finger millet intercrops.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT24. Yield, economics and nutrient balance in cropping systems based on rice (oriza sativa).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT25. Mechanisms for overyielding in a sunflower/mustard intercrop.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT26. Agronomic modification of competition between cassava and pigeonpea in intercropping.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT27. Production and economic evaluation of white guinea yam (dioscorea rotundata) minisetts under ridge and bed production systems in a tropical guinea savanna location, Nigeria.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT28. Evaluation of intercropping cassava/corn/beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.) In northeast Brazil.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT29. Intercropping of sweet potato and legumes.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT30. Cassava in shifting cultivation. - a system approach to agricultural technology development in Africa.-
VIEW THE DOCUMENT31. Economic returns from yam/maize intercrops with various stake densities in a high-rainfall area.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT32. Performance of three centrosema spp. And pueraria phaseoloides in grazed associations with andropogon gayanus in the eastern plains of Colombia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT33. Barley, lentil, and flax yield under different intercropping systems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT34. Biological potential and economic feasibility of intercropping oilseeds and pulses with safflower (carthamus tinctorius) in drylands.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT35. Screening of different tropical legumes in monoculture and in association with cassava for adaption to acid infertile and high al-content soil.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT36. Intercropping studies in peanut (arachis hypogaea l.).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT37. Intercropping of rainfed groundnut (arachis hypogaea) with annual oilseed crops under different planting patterns.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT38. Resource use and plant interactions in a rice-mungbean intercrop.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT39. Cassava/legume intercropping with contrasting cassava cultivars. Part I
VIEW THE DOCUMENT40. Cassava/legume intercropping with contrasting cassava cultivars. Part II
VIEW THE DOCUMENT41. A post-green revolution strategy for the improvement of small farmer-grown common beans.
Abstracts on agroecology
VIEW THE DOCUMENTAcknowledgements
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Rural common property resources: a growing crisis.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Making haste slowly: strengthening local environmental management in agricultural development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Farming for the future: an introduction to low-external-input and sustainable agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Public policies affecting natural resources and the environment.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Human development and sustainability.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Caring for the earth - a strategy for sustainable living.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Agriculture and natural resources: a manual for development workers.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Environmental guidelines for resettlement projects in the humid tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Saving the tropical forests.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Values for the environment, a guide to economic appraisal.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Alcohol fuels - options for developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Diffusion of biomass energy technologies in developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13 When aid is no help: how projects fail, and how they could succeed.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Natural resources and the human environment for food and agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. World development report 1992 - development and the environment.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Species interactions and community ecology in low external-input agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. Development strategies and natural resource management for humid tropical lowlands.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Environmental management of the northern zone consolidation project in Costa Rica: strategies for sustainable development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Environmental assessment: the valles altos project in Bolivia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Environmental crisis in Asia-Pacific.
Abstracts on agrometeorology
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Air pollution and agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. The greenhouse effect and primary productivity in european agro-ecosystems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Vegetation and the atmosphere:
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Microclimate: the biological environment.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Microclimate management by traditional farmers.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Environmental stress in plants.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. The impact of climate variations on agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Drought spells and drought frequencies in west-Afrika (durée et fréquence des périodes séches en Afrique de l'ouest.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Potential effects of global climate change on cool season food legume productivity
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Weather and rice.
Abstracts on agroforestry
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Tree products in agroecosystems: economic and policy issues.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Sustainable use of plantation forestry in the lowland tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. The palcazu project: forest management and native yanesha communities.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Opportunities and constraints for sustainable tropical forestry: lessons from the plan piloto forestal, quintana roo, Mexico.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. The taungya system in south-west Ghana.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Planning for agroforestry.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Sowing forests from the air.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Agroforestry pathways: land tenure, shifting cultivation and sustainable agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Food, coffee and casuarina: an agroforestry system from the Papua New Guinea highlands.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Agroforestry in africa's humid tropics - three success stories.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Agroforestry and biomass energy/fuelwood production.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Regeneration of woody legumes in Sahel.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Medicines from the forest.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Potential for protein production from tree and shrub legumes.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Agroforestry for sustainable production; economic implications.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Living fences. A close-up look at an agroforestry technology.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. Homestead agroforestry in Bangladesh.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Guidelines for training in rapid appraisal for agroforestry research and extension.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Erythrina (leguminosae: papilionoideae): a versatile genus for agroforestry systems in the tropics.
Abstracts on homegardens
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Household gardening projects in asia: past experience and future directions
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Vegetables research and development in the 1990s - a strategic plan
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Biotechnology developments in tropical vegetables.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Characteristics of the bio-intensive approach to small-scale household food production.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Sustainable agriculture intensive feed garden.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Handling and storage of cowpea vigna unguiculata (l.) Walp. As a leaf vegetable.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Dry-season gardening projects, Niger
Abstracts on seed production
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Good quality bean seed.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. A pocket directory of trees and seeds in Kenya.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Seed production of agricultural crops.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Seed potato systems in the Philippines: a case study.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Seed enrichment with trace elements.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Current practices in the production of cassava planting material.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Alternative approaches and perspectives in breeding for higher yields.
Abstracts on plant protection
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Designing integrated pest management for sustainable and productive futures.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Biotechnology's bitter harvest: herbicide-tolerant crops and the threat to sustainable agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Chemistry, agriculture and the environment.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Mise au point de techniques appropriées de lir qui seront utilisés par les petits agriculteurs traditionnels d'Afrique tropicale.(developing appropriate ipm technology for the traditional small-scale farmer in tropical Africa).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Biological control in developing countries: towards its wider application in sustainable pest management.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Transforming plants as a means of crop protection against insects.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Utilization of va-mycorrhiza as a factor in integrated plant protection.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Activity of four plant leaf extracts against three fungal pathogens of rice.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. A useful approach to the biocontrol of cassava pathogens.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Evaluation of the biological activity of flax as a trap crop against orobanche parasitism of vicia faba.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Insect pest management.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Economic contributions of pest management to agricultural development.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. The effects of intercropping and mixed varieties of predators and parasitoids of cassava whiteflies (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) in Colombia.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Prospects for traditional and cultural practices in integrated pest management of some root crop diseases in rivers state, Nigeria.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Studies on cowpea farming practices in nigeria, with emphasis on insect pest control.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Effect of various fertilizers and rates on insect pest/pearl millet relationship in Senegal.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT17. Insect pests of intercrops and their potential to infest oil palm in an oil-palm-based agroforestry system in India.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Using weather data to forecast insect pest outbreaks.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. Insect pest management and socio-economic circumstances of small-scale farmers for food crop production in western Kenya: a case study.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Rodent communities associated with three traditional agroecosystems in the San Luis potosi plateau, Mexico.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT21. Grain storage losses in Zimbabwe.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT22. Controlling weeds without chemicals.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT23. Weed management in agroecosystems: ecological approaches.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT24. Manual on the prevention of post-harvest grain losses.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT25. Evaluation of efficient weed management systems in pigeonpea (cajanus cajan l.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT26. Weed management in a low-input cropping system in the Peruvian Amazon region.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT27. Poblaciones, biomasa y banco de semillas de arvenses en cultivos de maiz zea mays l. Y frijol phaseolus vulgaris l. Efecto de m+todos de control y rotaciones. (Weed population, biomass, and seed bank in maize and bean crops. Effects of control methods and crop rotations).
VIEW THE DOCUMENT28. Effects of groundnut, cowpea and melon on weed control and yields of intercropped cassava and maize.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT29. Intercropping and weeding: effects on some natural enemies of African bollworm, heliothis armigera (hbn.) (lep., Noctuidae), in bean fields.
Abstracts on water management
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Water management.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Crop diversification in irrigated agriculture: water management constraints.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Steam corridors in watershed management
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Water harvesting.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. An economic analysis of irrigation systems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Production of annual crops on microcatchments.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Problems and lessons from irrigation projects in less developed countries of Africa.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Irrigation organization and management.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Soil water balance in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: summary proceedings of an international workshop. (bilan hydrique en zone Soudano-Sahelienne: comptes rendus d'un Atelier international)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Vanishing land and water.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Water use by legumes and its effect on soil water status.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Environmental impact assessment for sustainable development: chittaurgarh irrigation project in outer Himalayas.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Production and water use of several food and fodder crops under irrigation in the desert area of southwestern Peru.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Evaluation of the on-farm water management project in the Dominican republic.
Abstracts on soil fertility
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VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Soil constraints on sustainable plant production in the tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Impact of agricultural practices on soil pollution.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. The use of organic biostimulants to help low input sustainable agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Nitrogen cycling in high-input versus reduced-input arable farming.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Green manure in rice farming.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Role of green manure in low-input farming in the humid tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Green manuring with vetch on acid soil in the highland region of Rwanda.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Tropical lowland rice response to preceding crops, organic manures and nitrogen fertilizer.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Pearl millet and cowpea yields in sole and intercrop systems, and their after-effects on soil and crop productivity.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Influence of some characteristics of bean seed and seedlings on the tolerance to low phosphorus availability in the soil. (Infuencia de algunas caracteristicas de las semillas y plantulas de frijol Phaseolus vulgaris L. sobre la tolerancia a la baja disponibilidad de fósforo en el suelo )
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Evaluation of diverse effects of phosphate application on legumes of arid areas.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Effect of n and p fertilizers on sustainability of pigeonpea and sorghum systems in sole and intercropping.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Efficient fertilizer use in acid upland soils of the humid tropics.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza management.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Impact of tropical va mycorrhizae on growth promotion of cajanus cajan as influenced by p sources and p levels.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Benefit and cost analysis and phosphorus efficiency of va mycorrhizal fungi colonizations with sorghum (sorghum bicolor) genotypes grown at varied phosphorus levels.
Abstracts on erosion and desertification control
VIEW THE DOCUMENTAcknowledgements
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Indigenous soil and water conservation in Africa.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Sustainable uses for steep slopes.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Land restoration and revegetation.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Economic analysis of soil erosion effects in alley cropping, no-till, and bush fallow systems in southwestern Nigeria.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Soil conservation and management in developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Guidelines: land evaluation for rainfed agriculture.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Small-grain equivalent of mixed vegetation for wind erosion control and prediction.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. A method for farmer-participatory research and technology transfer: upland soil conservation in the Philippines.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. African bean-based cropping systems conserve soil.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Refining soil conservation strategies in the mountain environment: the climatic factor.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Conservation tillage for sustainable crop production systems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Caring for the land of the usambaras - a guide to preserving the environment through agriculture, agroforestry and zero grazing.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. Vetiver grass (vetiveria zizanioides) - a method of vegetative soil and moisture conservation.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Erosion in andean hillside farming.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Conservation tillage systems.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Soil erosion, water runoff and their control on steep slopes in Sumatra.
Abstracts on potential crops for marginal lands
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Lost crops of the incas.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Lesser-known plants of potential use in agriculture and forestry.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Sorghum and millet new roles for old grains.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Saline agriculture - salt-tolerant plants for developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Cultivation and use of lesser-known plants of food value by tribals in north-east India.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Conclusions of the national symposium on new crops - exploration, research, commercialization.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Making aquatic weeds useful: some perspectives for developing countries.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. An ecological approach to medicinal plant introduction.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Nuts: multi-purpose and profitable
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. Moringa oleifera for food and water purification - selection of clones and growing of annual short-stem.

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