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CLOSE THIS BOOKStraightening - Course: Technique of working sheet metals, pipes and sections. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 16 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTPreliminary Remarks
VIEW THE DOCUMENTHints on Labour Safety
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose of Straightening
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Tools, Devices and Auxiliary Means
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Processes within the Material
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Techniques of Straightening

2. Tools, Devices and Auxiliary Means

Small cross sections of metal sheets, pipes and sections are straightened gently by hand. For bigger and stronger materials the following tools and devices are used:


Locksmith's hammers, straightening hammers, light metal hammers, mallets and rubber hammers are used for straightening work in a vice, on an anvil and on a straightening plate.

Figure 2 Hammers 1 locksmith's hammer, 2 straightening hammer, 3 light metal hammer, 4 mallet

Moving iron and tap wrench

Various moving irons and tap wrenches are used for straightening twisted flat sections, square and angle sections in the vice.

Figure 3 Moving iron and tap wrench


Round tongs and flat tongs are used for straightening small bent metal sheets and small sections in the vice or freely by hand.

Figure 4 Round tongs and fiat tongs


Clamps of various kinds and sizes are used for clamping and twisting distorted metal sheets and sections.

Figure 5 Clamp

Welding torches

Oxy-acetylene welding torches or blacksmith's fire and annealing furnaces are used for the local heating up of bent profiles and dented metal sheets.

Figure 6 Welding torch

Screw presses

Hand screw presses and hydraulic presses with various inserts and supports are used for straightening bent sections and smaller dented metal sheets.

Figure 7 Screw press

Straightening machines

Used are mainly roller straightening machines, on which bent metal sheets, flat materials, pipes and wires are led over a system of rollers, so that they become plane or straight

In addition to the above mentioned tools and devices, the following clamping devices and supports are required.


Used is mainly the parallel vice for straightening work with hammers, moving irons and tap wrenches or tongs as well as for straightening work without tools.

Figure 8 Vice


Used are the face, round beak and flat beak of the anvil as supports for straightening work with the locksmith's hammer.

Figure 9 Anvil

Straightening plates Used are straightening plates from cast steel as supports for straightening work with hammers.

Figure 10 Straightening plate

What is the purpose of straightening?

What are the mainly used techniques for straightening?

What hammers can be used for straightening steel sheets?

What hammers can be used for straightening aluminium sheets?

For what kind of straightening work are moving irons used?

For what kind of straightening work can the hand screw press be used?


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