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CLOSE THIS BOOKCARE Food Manual (CARE , 1998, 355 p.)
Chapter 5 - Call Forward and Procurement
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
I. Obtaining the Food
B. Estimating Food Requirements and Time For Arrivals
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Amount of Food Required
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Procurement Timetable
C. Call Forward
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Commodity Pipeline Analysis
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Submission of Call Forward
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Content of the Call Forward
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Unavailability of Requested Food
D. Purchase of Food by Donors
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Specifications
3. Expedited Procurement Options
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTa. Transfers and Loans
VIEW THE DOCUMENTb. Food Diversion
VIEW THE DOCUMENTc. Prepositioned Stocks
VIEW THE DOCUMENTd. Local Purchase
II. Shipping Food
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTB. Shipping Documents

CARE Food Manual (CARE , 1998, 355 p.)

Chapter 5 - Call Forward and Procurement


I. Obtaining the Food

A. Sources

For a summary of types of funding and food which is available from donors, see Agreements and Contracts.

B. Estimating Food Requirements and Time For Arrivals

1. Amount of Food Required

The Annual Estimate of Requirements (AER) required by USAID for PL 480 Title II programs is an example of how to estimate the total quantity of food needed for a program. Simply put, the ration size x population size x the number of distributions = the total amount of food required.

A plan also helps determine when the food needs to be called forward from the donor country and how much needs to be procured over the life of the project. See Attachments for an example of an AER. The important points to note are that lines 1 - 8 take into account what the overall program requirements will be, and lines 9 - 17 take into account expected receipts, distributions, any in-country stocks and a percentage for a reserve to anticipate losses. Line 17 shows the estimates of the actual amount of food that will be needed during a program year. The Office of Food for Peace will base its approval for a program on the Line 17 figures. Similar estimates can be done for other donors. See Attachments for a useful summary of issues related to timing of purchases, packaging, freight rates and cargo size that should be taken into consideration.

The plan for estimating tonnage needs should include the following basic information:

· Type of program
· Number of recipients
· Number of feeding days per month
· Number of operating months per year
· Number of recipients per food type
· Ration size per food type
· Total amount requested by type of program and food type
· Expected arrivals and distributions of food by the end of the current fiscal year
· Desired operating reserve
· Total adjusted food requirement for the next fiscal year.

2. Procurement Timetable

Once estimated food needs are determined, country offices must also estimate the amount of time it will actually take to deliver food to project beneficiaries. To receive food in time for distribution, country offices must plan and request shipments of food well in advance.

The following two examples show of the length of time it takes to submit proposals to donors and then to receive food for distribution to beneficiaries. Unless there are already pre-positioned stocks in-country or food that can be easily diverted from other areas, it may take as long as six months before food reaches beneficiaries, even in emergencies.

Example - AID - PL 480 Title II

AERs are normally submitted by country offices more than a year and a half before the last quarter call forward is distributed. For example, for USG FY 1995 (October 1, 1994 - September 30, 1995), the Development Project Proposal and AER were prepared in February or March 1994, and the last call forward for the FY 95 program had to be in AID's Office of Food for Peace by the end of June 1995 in order to assure the arrival of food in the host country sometime between October and December 1995. This means that more than a year and one half can pass from the time the DPP is prepared and submitted to Food for Peace and the final distribution of the FY 95 food to program beneficiaries.

Example - European Union

EC allocations are made in three periods throughout the relevant fiscal year. CARE country offices can submit a request under any of the three periods. The closing dates for requests and allocations to the EC via Euronaid are shown below.

EC/Euronaid Scheduling


Submission Period

Allocation Period

Departure from European Port

Arrival in Host Country

Period 1

Requests received by EC on 1 October

January of the following year


August/ September

Period 2

Requests received by 15 January



December/ January

Period 3

Requests received by 1 July


April/May of the following year


C. Call Forward

The call forward is a request for delivery of a specified amount of food to a particular country program for use at specified periods of time. While distribution of all food may span more than a year and a half, the call forward process arranges for export of food from donor countries or sources on a regular basis throughout the life of the project. To prepare a call forward country offices must know existing balances of food, expected arrival times of shipments already requested and how much food they plan to distribute. Once the call forward is approved, the donor procures the food and arranges shipments with CARE.

See Attachments for the U. S. Government's PL 480 Title II monthly purchase schedule for processed food. Call forwards for Title II programs must be consistent with the purchase schedule. While there are differences in purchase times if food is shipped in bulk or in bags or containers, call forwards must be timed to match the purchase and shipping periods that will get food to a program as quickly as possible. To assure timely approval of Title II call forward requests by AID, country offices should submit requests to the Procurement Office by the 25th day of each month.

For food from other donors, country offices should contact the CI member who submitted the proposals.

To meet donor purchasing schedules and insure that food will be available on time, country offices must estimate the interval between the time the call forward is approved and the time the food is available for consumption. If a country office wanted food exported from the United States by October 1995, a call forward must have been submitted to USAID by July 1995

To facilitate planning for the Procurement Office, other CI members and donors, country offices should provide CARE USA's Procurement Office and Food Security Unit or the appropriate CI member with projected call forward schedules for an upcoming fiscal year, i.e. the times during the year food will be called forwarded from the exporting country.

1. Commodity Pipeline Analysis

Commodity pipeline analyses provide information about where food is in the project pipeline, whether there will be a continuous, uninterrupted flow of food for distribution or whether there may be interruptions. The pipeline analysis takes into account all food resources that are on order, on the high seas, at the port, in local warehouses, in transit to distribution sites, and available at the sites. It also takes into account the time it will take for the food to move through the pipeline. Using the following format for a pipeline analysis, a call forward can be prepared and submitted to the Procurement Office which submits it to the Procurement Section of USAID's Office of Food for Peace in Washington.

If country offices have different types of projects, e.g., supplementary feeding and food for work, separate pipeline analyses are done for each project and then consolidated into one overall analysis.


To Determine Call Forward
Amount for USG FY
1st Qtr. Oct - Dec

Type of
Commodity (in MT)


1) Stock balance in CARE or counterpart warehouse as of 30 June


2) Calls forward not yet shipped

3) Shipments on the seas (includes shipments at port, but not surveyed)

4) Loans / transfers to be received from other NGOs

5) Total available for distribution (1+2+3+4)



6) Estimated distributions July 1 - December 31

7) Repayments of loans to other NGOs

8) Estimated loans / transfers to other NGOs

9) Total estimated distributions July 1 - December 31 (6+7+8)



10) Estimated distributions for Jan - Mar

11) Repayments of loans to other NGOs

12) Estimated loans / transfers to other NGOs

13) Total estimated distributions Jan -Mar 31 (10+11+12)



14) Lines 9 + 13



15) Line 5



16) 5% (of line 14) reserve for expected losses. If more than 5% discuss with USAID



17) Call forward amount (14+15+16)


2. Submission of Call Forward

Call forwards are submitted to the local USAID office and to CARE USA's Procurement Office for U.S. donors, and through CARE International member offices for other donors. Usually, each call forward covers projected quarterly needs, although intervals can be shorter or longer for development or emergency programs. See Attachments for an example.

3. Content of the Call Forward

Donors may require different information for call forwards, but in general they should contain:

· Types and quantities of food
· Package sizes
· Port of destination
· Shipment mode (i.e., container specifications)
· Timing of the food arrival
· All required sanitary certifications
· Local donor representative endorsements.

4. Unavailability of Requested Food

There may be instances where requested food is not available because of a lack of availability, seasonal constraints, or poor harvests. Also, when food is purchased commercially, factors such as trade agreements or other market conditions may push the dollar value of the food over the amount budgeted by the donor for purchases. In order not to cause breaks in food pipelines, country offices may want to indicate alternative foods.

D. Purchase of Food by Donors

Once donors receive a country office's call forward, they arrange to procure food usually on a competitive bid basis from suppliers in the donor's country. The donor is responsible for tendering, insurance, procurement, and dispatch of shipments from their origins to the primary (and sometimes secondary) point of distribution. Country offices will only become involved with procurement of food or other goods if they are purchased locally or if donors have given permission to buy in other countries.

1. Specifications

To assure that food is of good quality and fit to eat by program beneficiaries, donors and host governments require that food meet certain specifications. These may vary for different types of food. Country offices must make sure that the specifications established by the donor are consistent with those required by the country where the food will be consumed. If not, a ministry may refuse to let the ship discharge the food at the port or food could be held in a port warehouse until the government is satisfied it meets standards.

The factors listed below are taken into consideration by donors when they make their purchases:

· Maximum moisture content upon loading
· Maximum allowable bad and damaged grains
· Maximum allowable impurities
· Chemical treatments
· Country and year of harvest of the grain
· Shelf life of food
· Packaging of the grain
· Insurance terms
· Payment terms.

2. Packaging

Considerations involved in food packaging include:

· Program requirements
· Durability of the package or container
· Ease of handling
· Warehouse and storage capacity
· Composition of packaging
· Resistance to moisture and infestation
· Cost
· Reuse potential of the package or container.

Three types of standardized package are generally used.

Type of Food

Package Size

Packaging Description

Grains (wheat, sorghum, bulgur, rice) and pulses (peas, lentils, beans)

50 kg bags

Woven polypropylene fabric with an inhibitor to resist ultraviolet absorption and antiskid coating. Bags are often handled with hooks by dock workers, which can result in losses.

Blended and vitamin-fortified grain products including corn soy blend (CSB) and wheat soy blend (WSB)

25 kg bags

Multiwall paper bags with a 1-mm polypropylene liner. This food is moisture-sensitive and susceptible to infestation because of its high fat and caloric nature. The plastic acts as a moisture barrier and the outer plies resist tearing.

Vegetable oil

1 gallon can
5 gallon pails
55 gallon drums

Metal tins. One gallon tins suffer most leakages and damage during shipping.

3. Expedited Procurement Options

In emergency situations food is needed immediately. If normal procurement is too slow, shipments are delayed or the number of beneficiaries in a program have increased, country offices must examine a variety of options to obtain food more quickly. Suggestions include:

a. Transfers and Loans

CARE may request a transfer or loan of food from another CARE project or other organizations such as government, NGO, private or multilateral reserve stocks in country or in neighboring countries. A written request should be sent to the donor explaining the reasons for the request. While CARE is not obligated to repay food transfers, they are required to repay food loans. Both the donor and the organization supplying the food must agree in writing to the loan or transfer arrangements.

See Inventory Accounting and Reporting for information on recording these transactions in ledgers. In all cases, it is important to consider the quality of the food borrowed or used to pay back a loan, the logistics costs, and the time limit to pay back the loans. CARE should insure that loans are repaid according to the terms of the agreement.

b. Food Diversion

In some circumstances, food at a donor port or onboard a ship bound for a regular program may be diverted to an emergency program. The following steps should be taken to divert a shipment:

· Identify the amount of food needed.

· Obtain permission from the donor to divert the food, and, if the food belongs to an organization other than CARE, obtain permission to use the food.

· Agree in writing with the donor and other organization how the food will be replaced.

· Determine if the vessel can enter the intended port.

· Determine if there is sufficient storage to permit discharge of the food.

· Insure that a provision exists for payment of diversion charges.

Since diversion of food is difficult and expensive, this option should only be considered after all other means of procurement have proven impossible. The challenge is to replace the food before there is any negative impact on the program from which the food is diverted.

c. Prepositioned Stocks

To meet emergency needs, some governments and donors have prepositioned food at donor ports, in recipient country ports, in other regions of the recipient country, or in nearby countries, to be programmed through NGOs. The food reserves are most often in vulnerable regions, such as East Africa.

d. Local Purchase

This is often the easiest way of obtaining food and supplies, provided they exist in sufficient supply to meet the need. However, there is a tendency for prices to increase as procurement increases. Attention must be paid to price swings which affect those in the local population who are already in the low-income category.

Purchase of food locally generally reduces the risk that the food could be culturally unacceptable to the population.

Issues to consider in deciding to purchase food locally are:

· Terms of sale
· What currency to use and how payment will be made
· Credibility of local suppliers
· Tender process and minimum number of bids
· Impact of purchase on local economy
· Delivery of food in standard weight bags or containers.

II. Shipping Food

For a discussion of the different types of shipments and the shipping documents that accompany a ship's cargo see Port.

A. Booking

The donor usually books the ocean transportation. When date of dispatch is known, the donor informs CARE USA's Procurement Office and its shipping agent, other appropriate CI members, and the country office. The booking advice is based on the agreement with the shipping company and includes the name of the particular vessel and the estimated times of arrival and departure. The donor then issues a shipping number and shipping instruction, which contains all necessary details about the shipment.

B. Shipping Documents

A Bill of Lading is the legal document used by shipping companies to define the terms and conditions under which they accept cargo. (See Attachment.) Information on the B/L includes:

· The type of food
· Gross and net weights
· Standard weight for each unit of food
· Ports of export and discharge
· Value of food and cost of freight and insurance
· Terms and conditions for shipment.

All claims or actions against a shipping company are based on the information contained in the Bill of Lading. See Port and Losses and Claims.

A Through Bill of Lading is often used for landlocked countries, or in a country that has experienced very high losses during discharge of food at a port or in port-controlled warehouses. It may also be used when food is discharged at a main port and then directly loaded onto local ships for delivery to other coastal or island ports.

The shipping company retains custody of the food and responsibility for any losses until it arrives at the location specified on the Through Bill of Lading.

A disadvantage of a Through Bill of Lading is the cost to donors because shipping companies will increase rates for the additional handling and safeguarding of the food. Country offices must convince the donor that the additional costs would be offset by decreased port losses or that it would be easier to collect claims from shipping companies than from local government port authorities.

While shipping companies may agree to deliver food to other locations on a Through Bill of Lading, there is no guarantee that their local agents will expedite delivery. Whenever possible, agreements with shipping companies should include clauses for payment only upon delivery. See Agreements and Contracts.

The local government must grant permission to use a Through Bill of Lading. Customs will often break the seals at port and examine containers for drugs, weapons, or other illegal contraband. A new customs seal will be placed on the container at the port, signifying that the cargo has cleared customs. The shipping company's representative must record the number of the new seal on the Through Bill of Lading.

C. Transshipment

Transshipment occurs when food is discharged from the vessel at a foreign port and loaded on board a second vessel for delivery to its final destination. This is most often done by the same steamship company, however, it is not uncommon for transshipments to involve more than one carrier. In some instances, food might leave the United States for a port in Europe where the food is placed on another ship bound for the final port of discharge. Transshipments can also occur once food arrives at the country's main port and is then turned over to a local shipping company for onward delivery to a secondary port. In each case, the terms and conditions of the original Bill of Lading remain in force, and the original shipping company's liabilities are not waived.


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