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Section 5: Recipes utilising fresh root crops

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Sweet potato jam
Cassava drops
Sweet potato mash
Savoury balls
Sweet potato cake
French fries
Sweet potato soufflé
Taro fish cakes
Sweet potato pudding
Spicy sweet potato cake
Sweet potato bread


Sweet potato jam


- 14 medium sized sweet potato tubers
- 8 1/2 mugs brown sugar
- Juice from 9 limes
- 1 1/2 teaspoons peeled, finely chopped, fresh ginger


- Sharp knife
- Teaspoon
- Wooden spoon
- 2 large saucepans
- Mixing bowl
- Potato masher
- Sieve
- Stove
- Jam jars


a) Wash, peel and chop the sweet potato tubers into small chunks.
b) Boil the potato chunks until soft.
c) Drain off the water and mash the potato tubers.
d) Press the mashed potato through a sieve to form a puree.
e) Place the puree in a saucepan and add the brown sugar.
f) Slowly heat the mixture (stirring continuously) until all the sugar has dissolved.
g) Add the lime juice and mix well.
h) Add the fresh ginger and mix well.
i) Boil the mixture until it is very hot, stirring all the time.
j) Transfer the hot mixture into sterilised jam jars.
k) Half close the lids of the jam jars and place in a saucepan of boiling water. The water in the saucepan should come half way up the side of the jam jar).
l) Place a lid on the saucepan and boil the contents for 30 minutes.
m) Carefully remove the jars from the boiling water and close the lids very tightly.
n) Invert the jam jars and make sure that the jam touches the inside surface of the lid. After 1 - 2 minutes return jam jars to upright position.
o) Wipe the outside of the jam jars with a clean cloth.
p) Allow the jars to cool before labelling with the name of the product and date of manufacture.

Cassava drops


- 2 mugs pulped, fresh cassava
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Pinch of pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon curry powder


- Sharp knife
- Very fine grater
- Teaspoon
- Mixing bowl
- Wooden spoon
- Deep frying pan


a) Wash, peel and finely grate the fresh cassava
b) Add salt, pepper and curry powder
c) Form small balls with the pulp mixture.
d) Half fill the frying pan half way with oil and heat.
e) Fry the balls in hot oil until golden brown.
f) If required, sprinkle with extra salt or curry powder before serving.

Sweet potato mash


- 7 - 8 medium sized sweet potato tubers
- 1/2 tablespoon margarine
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 mug orange juice
- Brown sugar
- Cinnamon


- Coffee mug
- Sharp knife
- Fork
- Glass
- Mixing bowl
- Potato masher ( or use a wooden spoon )
- Wooden spoon
- Saucepan
- Oven proof dish
- Stove
- Oven


a) Wash, peel, chop, boil and mash the sweet potato tubers.
b) Press the mashed potatoes through a sieve.
c) Add butter, egg and orange juice. Mix well.
d) Place in an oven proof dish. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.
e) Bake in a moderately hot oven ( 180 - 190°C) for 30 minutes or until the top has turned brown.



- 2 mugs grated, fresh cassava
- 1 mug grated coconut
- 1 tablespoon margarine
- 2 tablespoon sugar oil


- Sharp knife
- Grater
- Coffee mug
- Tablespoon
- Mixing bowl
- Bread tin
- Oven


a) Grate the cassava and the coconut.
b) Mix the cassava, coconut and sugar. Add butter and mix well
c) Lightly grease the bread tin.
d) Place the mixture in the bread tin. Bake in a moderately hot oven ( 180°C) for 1 hour.
e) Remove from the dish and cut into slices.
f) Serve hot or cold.

Savoury balls


- 2 mugs pulped cassava
- 1 finely chopped onion
- 1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg oil for frying


- Sharp knife
- Grater
- Coffee mug
- Teaspoon
- Glass
- Fork
- Mixing bowl
- Deep frying pan


a) Peel and chop the onion and garlic.
b) Mix the grated cassava, onion, garlic and salt.
c) Lightly beat the egg and add to the cassava mixture. Mix together until smooth.
d) Make small balls with the mixture.
e) Use a quarter of a mug of oil to fry some of the balls. Use the remainder of the oil to top up the oil level whilst frying the rest of the balls.

Sweet potato cake


- 3 mugs cooked, mashed sweet potato
- 1 mug boiling milk
- 2 drops vanilla essence
- 3 eggs
- 2 level tablespoons sugar


- Coffee mug
- 2 glasses
- Fork
- Tablespoon
- Wooden spoon
- Saucepan
- Mixing bowl
- Bread tin


a) Wash, peel, chop, cook and mash the sweet potato.
b) Boil the milk in a saucepan.
c) Add the boiling milk and vanilla essence to the mashed potato.
d) Beat the egg yolks together with the sugar and add to the potato mixture.
e) Add the butter and mix well.
f) Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
g) Place the mixture in a bread tin and bake in a hot oven ( 200°C ) for about 1 hour.



- Fresh root crop tubers
- Oil for frying
- Salt


- Sharp knife
- Slicer
- Bowl
- Sieve
- Deep frying pan


a) Wash, peel and thinly slice the root crop tubers.

b) Place tuber slices in a bowl of cold-water.

c) Wash slices for a few minutes.

d) Drain off excess water using a sieve.

e) Half fill a deep frying pan with oil and heat.

f) Test that the oil is hot enough for frying the chips by placing one or two slices in the oil. If the chips burn within a minute or two of cooking then reduce the heat. If the chips take longer than 4 -5 minutes to cook then increase the heat slightly.

g) Place small batches of tuber slices in the oil to cook. Remove when golden brown or yellow and crispy in texture.

h) Place the chips in a sieve and shake to remove excess oil.

i) When cool sprinkle the chips with oil.

French fries


- Fresh root crop tubers
- Oil for frying
- Salt


- Sharp knife
- Bowl
- Sieve
- Deep frying pan


a) Wash, peel and cut the tubers into chunks of about 0.25" thick.

b) Place the tuber chunks in a bowl of cold water.

c) Wash the chunks for a few minutes.

d) Drain off excess water using a sieve.

e) Half fill a deep frying pan with oil and heat.

f) Test that the oil is hot enough for frying the french fries by placing some chunks in the oil. If the french fries burn within a five to ten minutes of frying then reduce the heat. If the chunks take longer than 15 - 20 minutes to cook then increase the heat slightly.

g) Place small batches of chunks in the oil to cook. Remove when golden brown or yellow with a crispy outer layer.

h) Place the french fries in a sieve and shake to remove excess oil.

i) Eat whilst still hot, sprinkled with salt if required.

Sweet potato soufflé


- 3 mugs cooked, mashed sweet potato
- 2 1/2 tablespoons butter
- 1 tablespoon milk
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion.
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Salt & pepper
- 3 eggs


- Coffee mug
- Tablespoon
- Teaspoon
- Fork
- Sharp knife
- Wooden spoon
- Saucepan
- 2 glasses
- Metal bowl
- Baking tray
- Stove
- Oven


a) Wash, peel and cook the sweet potatoes.
b) Mash the potatoes with a wooden spoon until smooth. Measure out 3 mugs.
c) Add 2 tablespoons melted butter, milk, onion, cinnamon, salt and pepper to the mashed potato. Mix well.
d) Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff.
e) Beat the egg yolks.
f) Fold the egg yolks into the potato mixture, then add the egg whites.
g) Put into a metal bowl. Place the metal bowl on a baking tray half filled with water.
h) Spread 1/2 tablespoon butter on top of the souffle.
i) Bake in a cool (160°C) for 1 hour.

Taro fish cakes


- Cooked flesh of one medium sized, tuna fish
- 2 1/4 mugs cooked, mashed taro
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- Flour for dusting
- Breadcrumbs


- Sharp knife
- Fork
- Teaspoon
- Wooden spoon
- Coffee mug
- 2 glasses
- Mixing bowl
- Shallow frying pan or oven and baking tray
- Stove


a) Wash, peel, boil and mash the taro using the back of a wooden spoon or a potato masher.
b) Measure out 2 1/4 mugs of mashed tarot
c) Beat in 2 egg yolks, salt and pepper.
d) Add the tuna and mix well
e) Form into flat cakes.
f) Dust each cake with flour, brush with egg white and coat with crisp breadcrumbs.
g) Fry in oil for 15 minutes or on a greased baking tray in a moderately hot oven ( 180 - 190°C ) for 25 minutes.

Sweet potato pudding


- 2 mugs cooked, mashed sweet potato
- 4 1/2 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 tablespoon margarine
- 1 egg
- 1/4 mug milk
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 20 drops vanilla essence


- Metal basin
- Bread tin
- Saucepan
- Potato masher
- Wooden spoon
- Measuring cup
- Teaspoon
- Oven


a) Wash, peel, cook and mash the sweet potato. Weigh out 2 mugs of mashed potato.
b) Mix the mashed potato with 2/3 sugar, milk, egg and margarine
c) Add the vanilla essence and mix well.
d) Add 2 - 3 drops of water to the remaining sugar. Place in a saucepan and heat over a medium flame until the sugar browns and thickens.
e) Pour the sugar syrup into the bread tin. Spreading it evenly over the base of the bread tin.
f) Add the potato mixture on top of the sugar syrup.
g) Bake in a moderately hot oven ( 180°C ) for 45 minutes.

Spicy sweet potato cake


- 12 1/2 tablespoons peeled sweet potato ( uncooked )
- 1 tablespoon margarine
- 3 1/2 tablespoons sugar
- 2 1/2 tablespoons wheat flour
- 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
- Small piece of peeled, finely chopped ginger
- 1 mug grated coconut
- 3 tablespoons raisins
- Pinch of salt
- 5 drops vanilla essence
- Oil for greasing the bread tin


- Tablespoon
- Coffee mug
- Teaspoon
- Grater
- Sharp knife or vegetable knife
- Sieve
- Mixing bowl
- Wooden spoon
- Fork
- Coconut grater
- Bread tin
- Oven


a) Grate the peeled sweet potato tubers.
b) Cream together the margarine and sugar. Add to the grated sweet potato.
c) Sieve the flour with the nutmeg and salt.
d) Add the finely chopped ginger.
e) Mix the flour with the margarine mixture.
f) Squeeze the milk from the grated coconut and add to the cake mixture.
g) Add raisins and vanilla essence
h) Pour the mixture into a greased bread tin and bake in a moderately hot oven ( 190°C ) for 1 hour.

Sweet potato bread


- 6 1/2 mugs plain wheat flour
- 1 tablespoon finely shredded sweet potato ( uncooked )
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1 teaspoon dried yeast
- 1 1/2 mugs water


- Plastic bowl
- Grater
- Teaspoon
- Bread tin
- Piece of cloth
- Oven


a) Mix all the dry ingredients together.
b) Boil the water and gradually add to the dry ingredients to form a dough. Knead the dough well.
c) Blend in the finely grated sweet potato.
d) Put the dough into the bread tin.
e) Cover the dough with a damp piece of cloth and leave in a warm, dry place for 2 hours.
f) Bake in a cool oven ( 160°C ) 45 minutes.

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