Inexpensive Rubber Cement
Inexpensive rubber cement can be made easily with ordinary
gasoline and raw
sheet rubber.
Imported pastes are often expensive. Many of these are not
good for mounting
pictures and similar materials; they soak through the paper
and wrinkle both the
picture and the mount.
Rubber cement does not wrinkle the pieces to be joined. It
has another advantage:
if it smears, it can be rubbed off with the fingers when it
is dry.
Tools and
Ordinary gasoline: 250cc (16 ounces)
Raw sheet rubber in one piece:
5gm (115 ounce)
Jar with lid
Stirring rod
Brown bottle
(*)Tin can
(*)Small pieces of cloth
(*)Needed only if gasoline is colored.
* * * CAUTION * * *
Gasoline will
burn and explode, and the vapors can be a
health hazard. Be
careful when mixing or applying the
cement. Do not
inhale the gasoline vapors. Make the rubber
cement in a
well-ventilated place.
The rubber to be used should be a translucent, light-brown
sheet. Any brand of
gasoline can be used. Some gasolines are highly colored.
This coloring should be
removed so that the rubber cement will not stain when it is
used. To remove the
coloring, pour the gasoline over common charcoal several
times (see Figure 2).
fg2x412.gif (486x486)
Use a clean tin can with a hole in
the bottom. Put a small piece of
cloth in the bottom of the can to
keep the charcoal from falling into
the filtered gasoline. You may have
to change the charcoal several
times before the gasoline is clear.
Put the 5 grams (1/5 ounce) of raw
sheet rubber in a jar and pour in
the 250cc (16 ounces) of ordinary
gasoline (see Figure 1). Cover the
fg1x411.gif (486x486)

It takes about three days for the rubber to dissolve
completely in the gasoline.
Stir the mixture several times during this period,
especially when the mixture
becomes thick. If some of the rubber does not dissolve, more
stirring will break it
up. When the rubber is dissolved, you will have a smooth,
milky-colored cement.
To store the rubber cement, it is best to use a brown bottle
because the cement
will become thin if it is exposed to sunlight for a long
Mark the bottle:
The cement should be kept in a ventilated cupboard when it
is not being used.
To make a handy dispenser for the
cement: Cut a hole in the cover of
the jar, large enough for the
handle of a 2.5cm (1") brush (see
Figure 3). Push the handle through
fg3x412.gif (486x486)

the hole and leave the brush in the
jar. This should be airtight because
the cement hardens quickly when
exposed to air.
Bunyard, Robert J. "Rubber Cement in a Tropical
Climate," The Multiplier, Vol. 2,
No. 6, July 1956.