There are no standard horticultural varieties for commercial production. The Torres jackfruit, a recent selection of the U.P. at Los Baņos, is now being popularized. The Department of Agriculture in Central Visayas has also selected several promising jackfruit varieties.
Seedlings are still widely used but they do not come true to type. Grafted trees make better planting materials.
Jackfruit grows well on all climatic types although warm and moist surroundings are best.
Prepare the land for planting before the onset of the rainy season. For flat to gently rolling lands, plow the field once and harrow two or more times. These operations are dispensed with in very hilly areas.
Plant at the onset of the rainy season. The suggested planting distance for jackfruit in flat to gently rolling lands is 8-10 m. In hilly areas, adjust plant spacing according to the slopes of the land.
Not much is known about training young jackfruit trees. But since the fruiting stalks are produced on the trunk and large branches, train the young trees to develop as many primary and secondary branches close to the ground as possible. Once this is attained, limit pruning to the removal of interlacing interior branches and diseased twigs.
Irrigate young jackfruit trees during summer. If water is readily available, continue this practice throughout the life of the trees.
Jackfruit trees are seldom fertilized. They would grow better and produce more fruits if they are fertilized in some way. To avoid additional expense or at least reduce the need for inorganic fertilizers, apply organic materials instead. Mulching around the trunk throughout the year would substitute for fertilization.
There is no serious disease that attacks the jackfruit. However, fruit flies are very serious pests. This is effectively controlled by wrapping the fruits while still young with any of these materials: sacks, made of any material, used cement bags, leaves of coconut or banana and rice straws.
The fruit is usually harvested before it ripens on the tree. A mature fruit produces a hollow sound when its spiny peel is tapped with the fingers.