Workshop to revise the agroforestry technology information kit (ATIK)
The first workshop to develop the Agroforestry Technology Information Kit- now more popularly known as ATIK - was conducted by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in its Silang Campus, Cavite, Philippines, on November 4-13, 1989. There were 39 participants to this workshop who came from 11 government and nongovernment organizations (GOs and NGOs).
ATIK was produced primarily for use by DENR technicians who have been implementing the Social Forestry Program nationwide. DENR conducted a nationwide survey among its staff who were involved in the implementation of its Integrated Social Forestry Program and also primary users of ATIK. A questionnaire was formulated, focused on the actual experiences of these technicians in using the ATIK and on specific revisions they proposed to make on the kit. A Planning Committee was created to study the technicians' proposed modifications to the ATIK, as well as to plan for the workshop'to revise it. The committee was composed of For. Domingo Bacalla of DENR, For. Moises Butic of DENR, Ms. Rowena Cabahug of UPLB College of Forestry, Dr. Romulo del Castillo of UPLB College of Forestry, Ms. Remedios Evangelista of DENR, Dr. Julian Gonsalves of IIRR, Mr. Scott Killough of IIRR and Mr. Jaime Ronquillo of IIRR.
The workshop to revise the ATIK took place also in IlRR's Campus in Silang, Cavite, on November 16-21, 1992, with 45 participants representing 13 agencies. These agencies included: the Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Farm and Resource Management Institute; Southern Mindanao Agricultural Programmer Mag-uugmad Foundation, Inc.; University of the Philippines at Los Baņos; Upland Development Prograrn/Sungay Upland Farmers' Golden Harvest Association; Soil and Water Conservation Foundation; Quirino Livelihood Concept and Development Resource Center, Inc.; Winrock Intemational; Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center; Visayas State College of Agriculture; International Rice Research Institute; and, IIRR.
In the workshop, the same process for materials production was followed. Old sheets and first drafts of new topics were presented by the authors in plenary sessions. These materials then underwent continuous improvements through the critiquing of the other workshop participants. Communication experts (writers, editors, layout and design artists) were on hand to assist the authors in revising/preparing the texts, illustrations and designs of their papers. Before the materials were prepared in a camera-ready format, they were submitted to their authors for final review and revision to ensure that the additional corrections were incorporated.
The major revisions of ATIK are the following:
A. Format
1. From a set of loose-leaf single sheets in folder/binder to six, pocket-size (4" × 7") booklets, individually classified and bound according to major topics.2. Using simple, white, ordinary bookpaper, rather than the thicker, colored and more expensive bristol board.
3. Using a thick binder to hold the six booklets, instead of an individual folder for each kit.
B. Content
1. Some old topics which were found not relevant/useful from the survey were dropped from the kit.2. Other topics were revised, focusing on the specific needs of the DENR technicians.
3. Additional, new topics were included, again to respond to the expressed needs of the technicians.
4. Many old topics - which were adapted by farmers -- remained as they were.
The revised ATIK - with its new format and content - is expected to further facilitate the work of DENR's 1,200 technicians in its Integrated Social Forestry (ISF) Program nationwide. Ultimately, the kit will help enable DENR's ISF's program to give the Filipino uplanders access to forest lands for a tenure of 25 years or more.
November 16-21, 1992 IIRR, Silang,