USE | |
| | | |
ARACEAE | ||||||
Acorus calamus |
Lubigan |
M |
Perennial herb |
0.5-1.5 m |
medicinal | |
Amorphophallus campanulatas |
Pongapong |
Perennial herb |
0.5-1.5 m |
livestock feed |
(tuber), food (stem) | |
Amorphophallus variabilis (A. oncophyllus) | |
H |
Perennial herb |
1.0-2.5 m |
medicinal (tuber) | |
Colocasia esculenta |
Gabi, Gabing Tagalog |
S |
Perennial herb |
1.0-2.0 m |
food (tuber), stem and leaves | |
Xanthosoma nigrum |
Gabing Cebu |
S |
Perrenial herb |
1.0-2.0 m |
food (tuber), | |
(Xanthosoma sagittifolium) | | | |
animal feed |
(stem and leaf) | |
Maranta arundinacea |
Arrowroot, Uraro |
H |
Perrenial herb |
0.5-1.0 m |
food (tuber) | |
TACCACEAE | ||||||
Tacca palmata |
H |
Perennial herb |
0.75-1.25m | |
Dioscorea alata |
Ubi |
H |
Climbing vine |
3.0-10 m |
food (tuber) | |
Dioscorea bulbifera |
M |
Climbing vine |
3.0-10 m |
food, medicinal | |
Dioscorea esculenta |
Tugui |
M |
Climbing vine |
3.0-5.0 m |
food (tuber) | |
Dioscorea hispida |
M |
Climbing vine |
5.0-20 m |
food (tuber) |
Canna edulis |
Edible canna |
H |
Perennial herb |
1.0-3.5 m |
hod, fodder |
Ananas comosus |
Pinya |
S |
Perennial herb |
0.5-1.25 m |
food (fruit), fiber (leaves), animal feed (leaves). |
Vanilla fragrens (V. planifolia) |
Vanilla, Banilya |
H |
Climbing vine |
10-15 m |
Spice (pod) |
Amomum cardamomum |
Indonesian cardamon |
H |
Perennial herb |
1.5-3 m |
medicinal, spice (root) |
Boesenbergia pandurata | |
H |
Perennial herb |
0.25-0.8 m |
medicinal, spice |
(Kaempferia pandurata) | | | |
(root) | |
Catimbium malaccensis | |
H |
Perennial herb |
1.0 4 0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Costus spp | |
H |
Perennial hero |
0.5-3.0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Curcuma aeruginosa |
Wild turmeric |
H |
Perennial herb |
0.5-2.0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Curcuma domestica |
Luyang-dilaw, |
M |
Perennial herb |
1.0-1.5 m |
medicinal, spice, |
(C. longa) |
Dilaw, Kunig |
| | |
dye (root) |
Curcuma heyneana |
H |
Perennial herb |
2.0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Curcuma purpurascens |
H |
Perennial herb |
0.5-1.5 m |
medicinal, spice (root) |
Curcuma xanthorizza |
H |
Perennial herb |
0.5-2.0 m |
medicinal dye (root) |
C. zeodaria |
Bolon, Tamahibak, H |
Perennial herb |
0.5-2.0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Barak, Tamo-karsi, |
| | |
Luya-luyahan |
| | |
Elettaria cardamomum |
Cardamon |
H |
Perennial herb |
2.0-3.0 m |
spice |
Hedychium coronarium |
Kamya |
M |
Perennial herb |
1.5-3.0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Kaempferia galanga |
Duso, Dusog, Dusol, Galanga, Gisol, Gusol | |
Perennial herb |
0.27 m |
spice, medicinal (root) |
Kaempferia rotunda |
M |
Perennial herb |
0.5-1.0 m |
medicinal (root) |
Languas galanga |
S |
Perennial herb |
1.5-2.5 m |
medicinal, spice |
(Alpinia galanca) |
| | |
(root) |
Zingiber aromaticum |
Wild ginger |
M |
Perennial herb |
1.84.0 m |
medicinal. Spice (root) |
| | | | | |
Zingiber cassumunar |
H |
Perennial hero |
1.5 m |
medicinal (root) |
Zingiber officinale Roxb. Luya |
M |
Perennial herb |
0.5-1.0 m | |
medicinal, spice (root) |
Piper bete L |
Ikmo, Gawed, Betel vine |
H |
Climbing vine |
5.0-15 m |
medicinal (leaves) |
Piper cubeba |
Forest pepper |
H |
Climbing vine |
3.0-15 m |
medicinal, spice (seed) |
Piper nigrum |
Black pepper, Paminta |
M |
Climbing vine |
4.0-10 m |
spice (seed) |
Piper retrofactum (P longum) |
Long pepper |
H |
Climbing vine |
medicinal, spire (seed) |
Calapogonium mucunoides |
Calapogonium |
M |
Climbing herb |
0.3-0.5 m |
green manure (leaves, stems) |
Centrosema pubescens |
Centrosema |
M |
Climbing herb |
0.45 m |
green manure, fodder (leaves) |
Desmodium gyroides |
Desmodium, Karikut-rikut |
M |
Small shrub |
1.0-2.5 m |
fodder |
Dolichos lablab |
Batao |
S |
Climbing herb |
1.5-6.0 m |
food (beans), buds. |
Mucuna pruriens |
Velvet beans, |
| | |
M. derengiana |
Kokoa | | | | |
Pachyrrhizus erosus |
Singkamas, Yam bean |
M |
Climbing herb |
food (tuber) |
Vigna unguiculata var. Sesquipedalis |
Long beans, Sitao |
S |
Climbing herb |
food (bean) |
Merremia mammosa |
H |
Climbing herb |
medicinal |
Coleus amboinicus |
Oregano |
S |
Herb | |
medical (leaves) |
Ocimum basilicum |
Basil |
S |
Herb |
0.3-0.6 m |
medicinal |
Orthosiphon aristatus (O. stamineus) |
Balbas pusa |
S |
Herb |
1.0-1.5 m |
medicinal (root) |
Pogostemon -cablin |
Patchouli |
H |
Perennial shrub |
1.0-1.5 m |
essential oils (leaves) |
Brachiaria decumbens |
M |
Perennial grass |
0.25-0.65m |
fodder (leaves) |
Panicum maximum |
Guinea grass |
M |
Perennial grass |
0.8-2.5 m |
fodder (leaves) |
Boehmeria nivea |
Ramie |
M |
Perennial herb |
1.0-3.0 m |
fiber (leaves) |
Capsicum sp. |
Sili |
S |
Annual |
0.5-1.0 m |
food (leaves); spice (fruit) |
H = Highly shade-tolerant
M = Moderately shade-tolerant, and,
S = Slightly shade-tolerant.
| | |
SEASON LENGTH (mos) | | |
ARACEAE | ||||||
Acorus calamus |
Lubigan |
< 2000 |
Clay loam |
9-12 |
L |
3000kg/ha |
Amorphophallus campanulatas |
Pongapong |
< 800 |
Sandy team |
4 5-9 |
L | |
Amorphophallus variabilis (A. oncophyllus) | |
< 700 |
Sandy loam |
6-9 |
M |
2.5kg/tuber |
Colocasia esculenta |
Gabi, Gabing Tagalog |
< 1000 |
Adaptable |
7.5-12 |
M |
2-17 tons/ha |
Xanthosoma nigrum (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) |
Gabing Cebu |
< 1000 |
Adaptable |
7 5-9 |
L |
32 500 kg/ha |
Maranta arundinacea |
Arrowroot, Uraro |
< 900 |
Sandy |
9-12 |
L |
75-37 tons/ha |
TACCACEAE | ||||||
Tacca palmata |
< 900 |
Sandy |
7.5-9 | |
Diosconea alata |
Ubi |
< 800 |
Loamy clay |
7.5-12 |
M |
10-35 tons/ha |
Dioscorea bulbifera |
< 800 |
Loam, clay |
9-12 |
M |
0.5 kg/tuber |
Dioscorea esculenta |
Tugui |
< 700 |
loam |
7 5-12 |
M | |
Dioscorea hispida |
< 850 |
Humus |
6-9 |
M | |
CANNACEAE | ||||||
Canna edulis |
Edible canna |
< 2000 |
Rich in |
6-9 |
M |
18 - 38 tons/ha |
Ananas comosus |
Pinya |
< 1000 |
Adaptable |
7.5-10.5 |
M |
38-75 kg/ha |
Vanilla fragrens (V. planifolia) |
Vanilla, Banilya |
400-800 |
Rich in humus |
7.5-10.5 |
H |
800 kg/ha |
Amomum cardamomum |
Indonesian Cardamon |
300-1500 |
Humus |
7.5-10.5 |
M | |
Boesenbergia pandurata | |
< 700 |
Calcareous |
6-9 |
M | |
(Kaempferia pandurata) | | | | | | |
Catimbium malaccensis | |
< 1500 |
Clay |
6-9 |
M | |
Costus spp | |
<1000 |
Fertile |
9-12 |
L | |
Curcuma aeruginosa |
Wild turmeric |
400-700 |
Adaptable |
6-9 |
L | |
Curcuma domestica Val. |
Luyang dilaw, |
< 2000 |
Clay team |
7.5-9 |
13 | |
(C. longa) |
Dilaw, Kunig |
| | |
35,000 kg/ha |
Curcuma heyneana |
< 750 |
Adaptable |
6-9 |
L | |
Curcuma purpurascens |
< 1000 |
Adaptable |
6-9 |
L | |
Curcuma xanthorizza |
< 750 |
Adaptable |
7.5-10.5 |
L | |
C. zeodaria |
Bolon, Tamahibak Barak, Tamo-karsi Luya-luyahan |
< 1000 |
Clay |
6-9 | | |
Elettaria cardamomum |
Cardamon |
< 1500 |
Rich humus |
9-12 |
H |
100-350 kg/ha |
Hedychium coronarium |
Kamya |
< 2000 |
Deep, rich |
5-12 |
L |
5.7 tons/ha |
Kaempferia galanga |
Duso Dusog, Dusol, Galanga, Gisol, Gusol |
80-600 |
Sand, clay |
7.5-12 |
L | |
Kaempferia rotunda |
< 750 |
Clay |
9-12 |
L | |
Kaempferia rotunda |
< 750 |
Clay |
9-12 |
L | |
Languas galanga (Alpinia galanga) | |
< 1200 |
Loose, fertile |
7.5-10.5 |
M | |
Zingiber aromaticum |
Wib ginger |
< 1000 |
Clay |
9-12 |
M | |
Zingiber cassumunar |
< 1300 |
| | |
Zingiber officinale Roxb. |
Luya |
250900 |
fertile |
9-12 |
H |
30,000 kg/ha |
Piper betel L |
Ikmo, Gawed, Betel vine |
< 700 |
Clay |
6-10.5 |
L |
Variable |
Piper cubebe |
Forest pepper |
< 400 | |
| | |
Piper nigrum |
Black pepper, Paminta |
< 1000 alluvium |
Rich |
9-12 |
H | |
Piper retrofactum (P. longum) |
Long pepper |
< 600 |
Sandy |
6-9 | | |
Calapogonium mucunoides |
< 700 |
Adaptable |
7.5-12 | |
6000 kg/ha |
Centrosema pubescens |
Centrosema |
< 300 |
Adaptable |
7.5-12 |
L | |
Desmodium gyroides |
Desmodium, Karikut-rikut |
400-1000 |
Adaptable |
9-12 |
M |
2000 kg/ha |
Dolichos lablab |
Batao |
< 500 |
Fertile |
6-9 |
M |
1400 kg/ha |
Mucuna pruriens |
Velvet beans |
| | |
| |
M derengiana |
Kokoa | | | | | |
Pachyrrhizus erosus |
Singkamas, Yam bean |
< 500 |
Sandy loam |
6-10.5 |
M |
95 000 kg/ha |
Vigna unguiculata var. |
Long bean, Sitao sesguipedalis | |
Adaptable, well- drained neutral |
drought- resistant |
H | |
Merremia mammosa |
| | |
| | |
LABIATAE | ||||||
Coleus amboinicus |
Oregano |
< 250 |
H | | | |
Ocimum basilicum |
Basil |
450-110 |
Clay |
7.5-10.5 |
M | |
Orthosiphon aristatus (O. stamineus). |
Balbas pusa |
<1000 o.m. |
Rich in |
7.5-12 |
L | |
Pogostemon cablin |
Patchouli | |
| |
M | |
GRAMINAE | ||||||
Brachiana decumbens |
| | |
| | |
Panicum maximum |
Guinea grass |
| | |
| |
URTlCACEAE | ||||||
Boehmeria nivea |
Ramie |
< 1200 |
Rich sand loam |
9-12 |
H | |
Capsicum sp. |
Sili | |
adaptable |
up to 8 months |
H | |
H = High;
M = Medium; and
L = Low.
Scientific name: Acacia mangium Local name Mangium |
Mangium grows to 25-30m in height. It is straight-boled and is usually branch-free up to about one half its height. It has a spreading crown and the dense foliage casts a heavy shade. Mangium has some similarities to Acacia auriculiformis but its phyllodes (flattened leaf-like petioles that replace the juvenile teevee) are longer and broader. |
Mangium prefers a rainfall range of 1500 3000mm/yr but can withstand a minimum rainfall of 750-1000mm/yr. It can survive in areas with a prolonged dry season, but growth will be affected. It can be planted on a wide spectrum of soil typos and grows well even on infertile, eroded, rocky, shallow and acidic (down to pH4.5) soils. K prefers moist, well-drained soils and coos not tolerate flooding. Mangium is wind-firm and moderately light demanding. Seedlings and young saplings are killed by fire, but older tree are fire - resistant. |
Scientific name: Acacia meamsii (A. decurrens var. Mollis) Local name: Black wattle |
Black wattle is a tree usually 6-10m height, may reach 15-20m. It has a good, straight stem form and a narrow crown when grown in a closed stand, but develops a spreading crown if open-grown. It has light, feathery, dark green foliage. |
Minimal rainfall requirements are 500-700mm/yr, but it grows well in much higher rainfall zones. It can only withstand 2 3 months of dry season. Black wattle grows best on sandy loams and shale or slate derived soils. It can also tolerate shallow and unproductive acid soils and on steep, unstable slopes. It does not survive well on alkaline or calcareous soils. It is a high elevation species, planted at 100-2500m in cold climate zones. Growth can be reduced if temperatures are too warm. It is moderately shade-tolerant, but can also be grown in full sun. |
Scientific name: Albizia lebbek Local name: Langil |
Langil grows to be a 30m single-stemmed tree with a large spreading crown, but a is also managed as a multistemmed shrub. It forms a It is suited for areas areas 500-2500mmiyr straight bole if grown in a closed stand, but a develops a low, spreading crown if open- grown. It can be easily recognized by its numerous paper-skinned pods that rattle in the wind. |
Langil is especially suited to dry areas and d can withstand a dry season up to 6 months. rainfall. It tolerates wide range of sites including both acid and alkaline soils and saline soils. On highly eroded sites, it may require more intensive safe preparation and maintenance. It can grow in full sun or partial shade and a develops fire resistance with age. |
Scientific name: Alnus nepalensis Local name: Alder |
Alder can grow to be a large tree, 10-30m in height. It has a spreading, deep, dense root system and a has a deep crown when grown under shade. |
Alder requires a minimum of 800mm rainfall/yr and grows best in areas where rainfall is higher and evenly distributed. It is a high elevation species, thriving in a cool climate at 1000-3000m. It grows best in moist, deep, loamy soils, but it tolerates infertile, acid, poorly drained, steep, rocky and eroded soils. Alder is wind-firm and it and eroded soils. Alder is wind-firm and it can survive occasional flooding but not lengthy waterlogging nor extremely dry soils. It tolerates shade well. |
Scientific name: Cajanus cajan Local name: Kadios, Pigeon pea |
Kadios is a small tree or shrub 1-5m tall. Its form highly variable, but usually described as shrubby. |
Kadios is an important crop plant in dry to moist climates. It is drought-hardy and tolerates up to 6 months dry season, with a rainfall range of 500-2500mm/yr. It is widely adaptable as to soil conditions and can be planted up to 1000m. It does not tolerate waterlogging and requires full exposure to sunlight for fruiting. |
Scientific name: Desmodium rensonii |
Rensoni is an erect shrub. |
Rensoni grows well in moist areas with even rainfall distribution and it also shows very good drought-tolerance. It is able to grow on acid soils. Probably best adapted to lower elevations of the uplands. |
Scientific name: Flemingia macrophylla |
Flemingia is a shrub, attaining 2-3m in height. It has a deep root system and produces dense foliage. It looks somewhat similar to Kadios, but does not produce edible beans. |
Flemingia is moderately drought-tolerant, but requires at best 1100mm/yr rainfall and not longer than 6 months of dry season. |
Scientific name: Leucaena diversifolia |
Acid ipil-ipil is a small tree up to 18m in height with usually good but sometimes shrubby form. Its appearance is very similar to that of Leucaena leucocephala, but Acid Ipil-ipil's flowers are pink rather than white and it can also be differentiated by the leaf rachis which does not have button-like glands. |
Acid Ipil-ipil grows well in a humid to dry climate with a minimum rainfall of 500mm/yr and up to 8 months, dry season. Growth is better in higher rainfall zones. Acid Ipil-ipil gets its name from the fad that it tolerates acid soils somewhat better than L. leucocephala. It is also more productive at higher elevations than giant and native ipil ipil, with best growth up to 1000m, but a can be planted up to 1500m. It is strongly light demanding. |
| | |
Mangium |
Black wattle |
LangiI |
Alder |
Kadios |
Height |
25-30m |
Average 6-10; up to 15-20m |
15-30m |
15-30 cm variable |
1-5 m |
Stem form |
Straight |
Poor |
Often poor, but varies with stand density | |
Highly |
Crown form |
Spreading dense foliage |
Narrow or spreading, depending on stand density |
Spreading |
Deep crown when grown under shade | |
Annual rainfall |
| | |
| |
Optimum range |
1500-3000mm |
700-2000 |
700-2500 | |
Minimum range |
750-1000mm |
500-700 |
500-600 | |
Dry season length |
3-4 months, but tolerates prolonged dry season |
2-3 months |
2-6 months |
Prefers evenly distributed rainfall |
Up to 6 months |
Soil type |
Tolerates wide range, hardy on infertile, rocky, or eroded soil |
Prefers deep fertile soils, sandy loams, shale or slate derived soils |
Tolerates wide range, including saline soils |
Best in deep, loamy soils tolerates steep, rocky, eroded soils |
Widely adaptable |
Soil pH |
Neutral to acid |
Neutral to acid |
Alkaline to acid |
Acid to neutral |
Soil drainage |
Moist, well- drained soils, does not tolerate flooding |
Moist but well drained soils |
Free draining soils |
Prefers moist soils, but tolerate poorly- drained sites |
Does not tolerate water logging |
Elevation |
0-720m |
100-2500m |
0-1400 |
1000-3000m |
Up to 1000m |
Wind resistance |
Wind-firm |
- |
- |
Not wind firm |
Fire Resistance |
Older trees are fire-resistant |
Fire resistant |
Develops fire resistance with age | | |
Shade tolerance |
Moderately light demanding |
Can grow in full sun or partial shade |
Can grow in full sun or partial shade |
Tolerates shade well |
requires full sun for fruiting |
| |
AGE AT FIRST | | | | |
Acacia auriculiformis |
Japanese acacia |
2-5 |
Good |
Poor |
Land rehabilitation furniture, pulp shade, N-fixing, roadside tree |
Adaptable tolerates harsh sites, poor soil conditions, flooding, 4-6 months dry season, 4-600 m elevation |
Acacia mangium |
Mangium |
2-5 |
Fair |
Poor |
Land rehabilitation, erosion control, N- fixing pulp, timber, firebreak |
Tolerates infertile and acidic soil, rainfall 1500-3000 mm/year |
Acacia meamsii |
Black wattle |
3-5 |
Good |
Poor |
N-fixing, tannin, poles, green manure, windbreaks |
Grows well on shallow or poor acid soils |
Albizia falcataria (Paraser- ianthes falcataria) |
Moluccan |
3 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Pulp, light industrial wood, coffee shade, green manure, N- fixing, ornamental tannin |
Grows well on alkaline soils, does not tolerate prolonged drought, can tolerate 2-4 mo dry season if some rainfall occurs |
Albizia lebbek |
Langil |
5-10 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Fodder, N fixing, medicinal shade for plantation crops; for pulp and paper |
-Rainfall 500-2500, tolerates wide range of soils, 2-6 months dry season, adaptable but not suited for every graded sites. |
Alnus nepalensis |
Alder |
3-5 |
Good |
Vigorous (pollarding) |
Erosion control, N- fixing, coffee and cacao shade, fodder, tannin |
High elevations: 100-300m Tolerates infertile, acid soils |
Calliandra calothyrus |
Calliandra |
2-3 |
Excellent |
Vigorous |
N-fixing, erosion control, land rehabilitation, green manure, bee forage, firebreaks, coffee shade, fodder |
Optimum rainfall 2000-4000mm/yr but withstands less, tolerates dry season of 3-6 months and grows well on depleted soils and steep slopes elevation 250-800 m |
Cassia siamea |
Thailand shower |
2-3 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Small timber (fumiture), fodder, soil improvement |
Tolerates up to 6 months dry season with minimum rainfall 650 mm/yr. Prefers good sibs, but can grow on lateritic soil up to 800 |
Cassia spectabilis |
Antsoan- dilau |
3-5 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Ornamental |
Tolerates dry season of at least 3 months, thrives on poor sites, including sandy and clay soils up to 300 m |
Casuarina equisetifolia |
Agoho |
3 |
Excellent |
Vigorous |
Coffee shade, N-fixing, dune stabilization, live fencing, pulp |
Tolerates diverse and difficult sites, coastal areas, limestone, 6-8 months dry season, does poorly on heavy clays |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | |
3-5 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Windbreaks, roadside tree, medical |
Tolerates calcacerous, acid or saline sot 4-8 mo dry season |
Gliricidia sepium |
Madre de Cacao |
2-3 |
Excellent |
Vigorous |
Coffee shade, green manure, N-fixing trellis tree, rat poison, fodder, insecticide |
Highly adaptable, tolerates low soil fertility, tolerates long dry season, 6 months or more, but needs at least 1000 mm/yr rainfall, windfirm |
Gmelina arborea |
Yemane |
3-4 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Pulp, light industrial wood, roadside trees, bee forage |
Highly adaptable, tolerates acidic calcacerous or lateritic soils and 6 7 months dry season |
Leucaena diversifolia |
Acid Ipil-ipil |
2-5 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Pulp, pules, N-fixing |
500 mm/yr minimum rainfall with up to 8 months dry season, somewhat tolerant of acid soils (pH 5.0) up to 1000 m |
Leucaena leucocephala |
Ipil-ipil |
2-5 |
Excellent |
Vigorous |
Timber, poles, fodder, N- fixing green manure |
Tolerates 6 months dry season with best rainfall range 600-1700 mm/yr, does not tolerate acid soils, elevation to 500 m |
Melia azedarach |
Paraiso |
5 | |
Vigorous |
Tools and implements, pulp insecticide |
Adaptable to various soils, tolerates 6 months dry season |
Muntingia caladura |
Datiles |
2-3 | |
Vigorous |
Fruit, ornamental |
Withstands 6 months dry season, but requires rainfall 100 mm/yr. Can tolerate sandy, limestone and saline soils up to windfirm |
Piliostigma malabaricum |
Alibang- bang |
4-5 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Leaves used to season foods, medicinal uses |
Requires distinct dry season, tolerates 6 months dry drought and dry rocky sites |
Pinus kesiya |
Benguet pine |
20 |
Poor |
No |
Timber |
Rainfall 1000 2000 mm/yr with 2-6 months dry season, grows on poor acid soils at 450-2900 m |
Pithecello- bium duke |
Kamachile |
34 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Construction poles, fodder, fruits, N-fixing, |
Adapts to a variety of soil conditions and 8 months dry erosion season control, live fencing, bee forage, medicinal use |
Psidium guajava |
Bayabas |
3-5 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Fruits, fire wood, medicinal |
adapts to a variety of soil condition |
Samanea saman (Albizia saman) |
Raintree |
34 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Timber, craftwood fodder, roadside tree |
Rainfall 600-2500 mm/yr with dry season up to 6 months, prefers good soils but can grow on poor acid soils up to 500-700 m |
Syzygium cumin) |
Duhat |
2-5 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Poles, light construction, guitars, fruits, medicinal use, roadside tree, live fencing, ornamental |
Can grow on variety of sites, including shallow, rocky soils if rainfall sufficient. Prefers distinct dry season tolerates 6-7 months drought |
Tamarindus indica |
Tamarind |
5 |
Excellent |
Vigorous |
Fruit, timber roadside tre shade, food seasoning (fruits and extract) |
Very drought resistant, prefers deep soils, but adapted to wide range of sites, including sandy and rock soils |
Trema orientalis |
Anabiong |
3-6 |
Good |
Vigorous |
Pulp, poles coffee shade, fruits, fodder, tannin |
Tolerates poor soils and 6 months dry season, but prefers humid climate |