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8.1 Electrostatics.

8.1.1 Basic Electrostatics Phenomena.                   (8 Periods)

    Charging by friction.
    Types of charges.
      • use of electroscope to detect charge.
    Charge by induction.
    Distribution of charge outside and inside a hollow conductor
        at constant  potential.
    Principle of the Van der Graaf generator.
      •  lightning conductor, electrostatic screening,

      • paint spraying, and dust  extraction.
Assessment objectives

By the  end of this topic, the student should be able to:

      • Distinguish between a conductor and a non conductor.
      • Perform an experiment to show that there are two types of charges.
      • Explain gharging by electrostatic induction.
      • Explain the attraction of an uncharged material by a charged body.
      • Describe the structure and action of a Gold Leaf Electroscope.
      • Explain how a gold leaf electroscope can be charged negatively or

      • positively.
      • Describe how a gold leaf electroscope can be used to determine the

      • charge on a body
      • Describe Faraday's Ice Pail experiment and state the conclusions that

      • can be deduced from it.
      • Perform and describe an experiment to show the distribution of charge

      • on a charged conductor of different shapes.
      • Explain corona discharge (action at points) and give an example of its

      • application.
      • Describe the structure and operation of the Van de Graaf generator.

8.1.2 The Electric Field

      Electric fields and electric field lines.
      Force between point charges.
      •  Coulomb's law.
    Electric Field Intensity.
      •  electric field intensity of a point charge.
      •  electric field intensity between charged parallel metal plates.
    Electric Potential
      •  relationship between electric potential and electric field intensity.
      •  equipotential surfaces and electric field lines.
      •  electric potential at a point in the electric field of a point charge.
Assessment objectives

By the  end of this topic, the student should be able to:

      • State Coulomb's law of electrostatics.
      • Calculate the force between two point charges.
      • Calculate force on a point charge due to a number of charges.
      • Define electric field intensity, state its units and draw sketch diagrams to show the electric field patterns for different charge configuration.
      • State the expression for the electric field intensity at a point charge.
      • Calculate the electric field intensity at a point due to a number of point charges.
      • Derive and use the relation between electric potential and electric field intensity.
      • Compare Coulomb's law with Newton's law of graviation.

8.1.3  Capacitors

    Capacitor and capacitance , the farad
    Polarization of dielectrics

      •  the dielectric constant
   Parallel plate capacitor
   Factors which affect capacitance
   Series and parallel arrangement of capacitors
   Energy stored in a charged capacitor

Assessment Objectives

By the end of this topic the student should be able to:

      • Define the capacitance of a capacitor
      • State the factors which determine capacitance of a capacitor
      • Explain the action of a dielectric using the molecular theory
      • Explain what is meant by dielectric constant (relative permitivity) and dielectric strength.
      • Perform and describe experiments to investigate the dependence of capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor on the area, A, of the plates,the separation,d, of the plates and

      • the nature of the dielectric material between the plates using a gold leaf electroscope.
      • Perform and describe an experiment to measure dielecric constant of dielectric material.
      • State and use the law of coservation of charge
      • Derive and use expressions for effective capacitance of capacitors in series and in parallel.
      • Derive and use the expression for energy stored in a charged capacitor.


Electric Current

   Electric current as flow of charge   I  =  Q
            the ampere, the Coulomb, electric potential difference, the volt.

  Electric power

      • resistance and Ohm's law
      • electric energy, kWh
      • Power delivered to an ohmic circuit element
      • Interule conversion of electrical energy with forms
  Simple d.c circuits
      • e.m.f of a source of electrical energy
      • internal resistance
      • conservation of charge at a junction in a circuit
      • resistors in series and parallel.
      • potential divider
      • mechanism of metallic conduction, current density
               j  =  nev
      • mechanism of the heating effect of an electric current
      • temperature coefficients of resistance
      • electrical resistivity, p: the relation   R  =  pl
 Measurement of resistance and voltage
      • the Wheat-stone bridge and its applications including
                measurement of temperature coefficient of resistance
      • the potentiometer and its applications including
                measurement of voltage, current, thermocouple,
                e.m.fs, comparison of resistances.
Assessment Objectives:

By the end of this topic the student should be able to:

      • Define an electric current and state its unit
      • State the charge carriers in different types of
                conductors (metals, ionized gases, electrolytes,
      • Explain the mechanism of electric conduction in metals.
      • Derive and use the relation between current and the
                drift velocity of electrons in metals  I  =  nAVde
      • Explain the causes of electrical resistance in metals and
                 identify the factors which determine resistance of a
                 metallic conductor.
      • Define the term electical resistivity and state its unit
      • Explain the effect of temperature on resistance.
      • Define temperature coefficient of resistance and state its unit.
      • State Ohm's law and give examples of ohmic and non-ohmic
                conductors, and draw sketch graphs to show their I-V characteristic
      • Perform and describe an experiment to verify Ohm's law for metallic
      • State and use the law of conservation of current at a junction.
      • Derive and use expressions for effective resistance of resistor in series
                and in parallel.
      • List sources of e.m.f
      • Explain what is meant by e.m.f, E, and internal resistance, r, of a cell
      • Explain how the e.m.f and iunternal resistance of a cell change with time
                and use.
      • Derive and use the expression P  =  I2R
      • Convert energy in joules into kWh.
      • Convert electrical energy to other forms of energy.
      • Derive the condition for maximum power dissipation in the external
                resistance and the expression for efficiency, h.
      • Derive and use the condition for balance of Wheatstone bridge
      • Perform and describe an experiment to compare resistances using simple
                metre bridge
      • Perform and describe an experiment to determine the resistivity, p, and
                temperature coefficient of a resistance of a wire using a metre bridge.
      • Explain why the Wheatstone bridge network is not suitable for comparison of two very high or very low resistances.
      • Solve problems on simple bridges including calculations of end-corrections.
      • Explain the principle of a slide wire Potentiometer
      • Perform and describe an experiment to calibrate a slide wire potentiometer.
      • Perform and describe experiments to determine the internal resistance, r, of a cell, the e.m.f, E, of thermocouple using the slide wire potentiometer.
      • Perform and describe experiments to calibrate an ammeter and voltmeter using a calibrated slide wire potentiometer.
      • State the advantages and disadvantages of the potentiometer over an ordinary voltmeter for measurement of voltage
      • State theadvantage of using a potentiometer instead of a Wheatstone bridge to compart resistances.

8.3  Electronic Derives

  The Vacuum diode valve

      • thermionic emission
      • anode current - anode voltage chracteristics
      • incremental resistance of a diode
      • half - wave rectification.
      • full wave (bridge) rectification
  The vacuum triode
      • anode current-anode voltage characteristics
      • anode current -grid  voltage characteristics
      • anode slope resistance, mutual conductance and amplification factor
      • amplification by a triode - voltage gain,  A  =  yRL
                                                                                              Ra  +  RL
  The p-n junction
      • I-V characteristic
      • half - wave rectification
      • full wave rectifier using semi-conducting diodes
  The transistor
      • transistor characteristics
Assessment Objectives:

By the end of this topic the student should be able to :

      • Explain the mechanism of thermionic emission.
      • Describe the structure and operation of a vacuum diode
      • Draw a sketch graph of the anode current -anode voltage characteristics of a thermionic diode and explain its special features.
      • Perform an experiment to obtain the I-V characteristic of a p-n junction and explain forward bias and reverse bias
      • Explain half-wave and full-wave rectificatin and how they can be achieved
      • Draw sketch graphs of the anode current-anode voltage and mutual characteristics of a triode.
      • Define the terms anode resistance, mutual conductance and amplification factor of a triode.
      • Derive and use the expression  A  =  yRL  for the voltage gain
                                                                          Ra  +  RL
      • Describe the structure of n-p-n and p-n-p type transistorI
      • Perform experiments to obtain  IB  -  VBE ,  Ic  -  VCE  and   Ic  -  IB  characteristics of transistor.

9.1  Magnetic Effects of an Electric Current

    Idea of a magnetic field as a field of force due to current

      • carrying conductors or permanent magnet
    Force on a current
      • carrying straight wire.
      • Fleming's left hand rule
      • definition of magnetic flux density and the tesla
    Magnetic field patterns due to an electric current in a straight wire, circular coil and long solenoid.
    Motion of a charge particle in a uniform magnetic field
    Hall effect
      • the Hall probe
    Torque on a current carrying coil in a uniform magnetic field.
      • moving coil galvanometer
      • conversion of moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter and voltmeter
    Magnetic force between current carrying conductors
      • definition of ampere
      • simple form of current balance

Assessment objectives

By the end of this topic the student should be able to:

      • Define a magnetic field
      • Perform experiments to obtain the magnetic field patterns for a bar magnet, a current - carrying  straightwire, a current - carrying circular coil, and a current  -  carrying solenoid.
      • Perform an experiment to determine the direction of the force on a straight current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
      • State, explain and use the expressions   B  =  m0 ,    B  =   m0 NI,  and   B  =  m0nI
                                                                                        2pa                 2R
           for the magnetic flux density at a perpendicular distance a from a straight current carrying wire, at the centre
          of a circular coil of N turns each of radius R and at centre of a long solenoid of n turns per metre.
          Derive and apply the expression for the magnetic force between two long parallel current - carrying conductor
      • Derive and apply the expression for the magnetic force between two long parallel current - carrying conductor
      • Define the ampere
      • Describe a simple form of a current balance.
      • Recall and use the expression  F  =  Bqv  sin q for the force on a particle of charge q, moving in a uniform magnetic field of flux density B.
      • Describe quantitively the motion of a charge particle in a uniform magnetic field.
      • Explain the Hall Effect
      • Explain how a calibrated Hall Probe can be used to measure magnetic flux density.
      • Derive and use the expresion  t  =  BANI sin q  for the torque on a current carrying coil in a magnetic field.
      • Describe how a moving coil galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter and into a voltmeter.
      • Calculate the value of the resistor required to convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter or voltmeter.
      • Describe how a moving coil galvanometer is converted into a ballistic galvanometer.

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