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  2.4  STATICS    ( Periods  15)
      Parallel forces
      • Resultant of parallel forces, turning effect of forces and moment of a force, couples.
      Coplanar forces
      • Equilibrium of  forces.
      • Triangle of  forces to represent forces in equilibrium.
      • Principle of moments.
      • Centre of gravity.
      Fluids in static equilibrium
      • Density, relative density.
      • Pressure at a point in a fluid.
      • Archimede's Principle
      • Floatation

    Assessment objectives:

    By the  end of this topic, the student should be able to:

      • Define centre of gravity.
      • Calculate the resultant of parallel forces.
      • Define and use moment of a force, couple and torque.
      • State and use the conditions for equilibrium for a system under the

      • action of coplanar forces.
      • Solve problems related to three coplanar forces in equilibrium.
      • Define and use density and relative density.
      • Derive and use the expression for pressure at a point in a fluid.
      • State and use Archimede's Principle.
      • State the Law of floation and use it to solve problems related to floating bodies.
      • Perform and describe experiments involving the Principle of moments.

    End of  S5  Term  1 ( Estimated time  : 8 Weeks)


      3.1 Fluid Flow    ( 9 Periods)

         Streamline and turbulent flow.
         Terminal velocity
         Bernoulli's equation.
         Viscosity in liquids and its determination.
        • Poiseulle's and Stoke's law methods.
        Viscosity in gases.

    Assessment Objectives.

    By the end of this topic, the student should be able to:

      • Explain the terms steady ( lamina, streamline) and

      • turbulent flow as applied to the motion of a  fluid.
      • Explain the effects of viscosity of an object moving in a fluid
      • Define the terms velocity gradient and coefficient of viscocity of a viscous fluid

      • and state their units.
      • State Stoke's Law and use it to define the expression for terminal velocity of a

      • sphere in a viscous fluid.
      • Perform and describe an experiment to mesure viscocity of a viscous liquid.
      • Derive and use Bernoulli's equation  P + ½ rv2 + rgh = a constant
      • Explain the applications of Bernoulli's Principles in the filter pumps, atomisers and

      • erofoil.
      • Explain the effects of temperature on viscocity of liquids and gases.

      3.2 Deformation of Solids    ( 9 Periods )
      Classification of Solids on the basis of strength, stiffness, ductility and
        Stress-strain curve for ductile and brittle materials.
        Elastic and plastic behaviour.
        •  Hooke's law
        Work done in extension and compression.
        • elastic potential energy.

    Assessment Objectives

    By the end of this topic, the student should be able to:

      • Explain the  term strength, stiffness, ductility, toughness and elasticity.
      • Define stress, strain, and Young's modulus and state their units.
      • Perform and describe an experiment to verify Hooke's law using springs,

      • draw a sketch graph of the stress-strain and show the following features:
        limit of proportionality, elastic limit, yield point, breaking point.
      • Explain the special features of the stress-strain graph for a ductile material.
      • Distinguish the elastic behaviours of ductile and brittle materials.
      • Compare the elastic behaviours of ductile materials, rubber and brittle materials.
      • Perform and describe an experiment to determine Young's modulus of a metal in

      • form of an elastic material.
      • Relate the work done to the elasic potential energy.
      • Relate the work done to area under the force-extension curve.

      3.3 Surface Tension    ( 12 Periods )

        Simple surface tension phenomena.
        Molecular theory of matter
        • Explanation of surface tension.
        Definition of surface tension.
        Pressure difference across a spherical surface.
        Angle of contact
        Capillary rise.
        Methods of measuring surface tension.
        Effects of temperature on surface tension.

    Assessement  Objectives

    By the end of this topic, the students should be able to:

      • Perform and describe experiments to show the existance of surface tension.
      • Explain surface tension  in terms of molecular theory of matter.
      • Define surface tension and state its units.
      • Derive and use expressions for excess pressure inside air and soap bubbles.
      • Describe an experiment to measure angle of contact q.
      • Explain capillarity.
      • Derive and use the expression   h = 2g cos q
      • Perform and describe an experiment to measure surface using capillary.
      • Explain the effects of  impurities on surface tension.

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